Eight new Jockey Club STEM Labs power PolyU’s innovative research
In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, academic research in STEM fields is more important than ever to address societal needs and foster innovation. Recognising this, PolyU recently unveiled eight Jockey Club (JC) STEM Labs, established through a generous donation of over HK$74 million from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (the Trust). An inauguration ceremony was held to celebrate this milestone, express gratitude to the Trust, and convey PolyU’s commitment to Hong Kong’s development as an international hub for innovation and technology.

On behalf of PolyU, Prof. Wing-tak Wong, Deputy President and Provost of the University, expressed gratitude to the Trust for its generous support in the realisation of the eight JC STEM Labs.

Ms Elsie Tsang, Executive Manager of Charities (Talent and Sector Development) of The Hong Kong Jockey Club, stated that by funding the research initiatives of these JC STEM Labs, the Trust aims to help create an enabling environment that fosters the growth of STEM talents.
Driving pioneering solutions
Spearheaded by eight distinguished PolyU scholars selected for the HKSAR Government-initiated Global STEM Professorship Scheme, the Labs specialise in different fields. The eight inaugurated JC STEM Labs are:
The JC STEM Lab of 2D Quantum Materials
The JC STEM Lab of Digital Oncology Care Enhancement
The JC STEM Lab of Earth Observations
The JC STEM Lab of Genomics in Healthcare
The JC STEM Lab of Health Built Environment
The JC STEM Lab of Innovative Light Therapy for Eye Diseases
The JC STEM Lab of Machine Learning and Computer Vision
The JC STEM Lab of Quantum Technology
These Labs focus on diverse areas, including healthcare, engineering, AI technology, and sustainability, highlighting PolyU’s commitment to providing groundbreaking solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges.
Ms Elsie Tsang (right) visited the JC STEM Lab of Genomics in Healthcare as part of the lab tour after the inaugural ceremony.
JC STEM Lab Initiative
Initiated by the Trust in 2021, the JC STEM Lab Initiative intended to support the laboratory set-up for scholars selected for the Government-initiated Global STEM Professorship Scheme. The initiative aims to nurture STEM talent in Hong Kong and promote the translation of frontier science and technology into societal impact.
The establishment of these Labs at PolyU represents a significant step forward in advancing the University’s interdisciplinary research capabilities and excellence for the benefit of Hong Kong, the Nation, and beyond.
Click here to explore the eight JC STEM Labs.