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From Originality to Shifting Environments to Visionary Thinking, 2019 Annual Show features designs on seven global hot topics

20 Jul 2019

Attendees to the PolyU Design Annual Show will have noticed that student projects were categorized into seven themes this year, reflecting on the trending issues that caught our emerging designers attention:

1. Shifting Environments
2. Originality. Authenticity. Vision
3. New Beginnings
4. Reassurance. Serenity. Security
5. Intriguing the Eye. Sparking Imagination
6. Well-being. Balance. Harmony
7. Courage. Empathy

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PolyU Design Annual Show 2019
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  • Shifting EnvironmentsStored Knowledge by LI Ling Mon, Queenie, BA(Hons) in Social Design Visualizing Yue Wan Market
  • Shifting EnvironmentsWhat's good about the local public markets, when compared with supermarkets and shopping malls, is not immediately visible. After months of intensive fieldwork and observation in Yue Wan Public Market, I realized that each messy appearance of the market stores is not an outmoded spectacle,
  • Shifting Environmentsbut itself stores some unique knowledge and folk wisdom, which can only be made visible with patience and care. In this project, three market stores are selected: Mei Kei Clothes Store, Mrs. Law's Snack Store and Mr. Ng's Butcher Store.
  • Shifting EnvironmentsWhile each has its own stored knowledge, different methods of visualization were designed and used, for example, layered representation, photo-stocktaking and timeline storyboard.The project shows that no single visual method is sufficient in the study of the local public market; its treasure is stored disparately in different stores, awaiting its own visualization.
  • Originality. Ingenuity. Visionary ThinkingAfter-glow by CHAN Tsz Fung, Thomas, BA(Hons) in Communication Design A conceptual exploration on HK Government’s Design
  • Originality. Ingenuity. Visionary ThinkingGovernment initiated design (Passport, banknote, etc.) should be the representation of one city’s or country’s identity. Unfortunately, the research result from this project shows that the majority of the citizen does not agree the current government design is showing what Hong Kong really is.
  • Originality. Ingenuity. Visionary ThinkingThrough switching the perspective from high authority to a perspective from a normal citizen, “after-glow” conceptualize the design idea without the strict limitation of a government’s design and aim to be a media that can let HK citizens reflect our sense of identity.
  • Originality. Ingenuity. Visionary ThinkingThis project uses the notion of incandescence as a metaphor to represent the status of Hong Kong people’s current sense of identity, being at the moment in its least solid state. But what could become the focus today is how the citizens continue to manipulate and reshape their own identity: good “craftsmanship” can change the most fragile sense of identity into the toughest one.
  • New BeginningsSo Long! By LAW Wing Yan, Wendy, BA(Hons) in Product Design Preparing irreplaceable goodbye gifts before death
  • New Beginnings“SO LONG!” is a series of goodbye gifts initially designed for a person soon to pass away to present to their loved ones, being an alternative way to leave behind something deeper than what is customary (letter, money, etc.). The project aims to capture the most precious tangible, intangible and invisible parts that define an individual - relating to blood, voice and DNA, respectively.
  • New BeginningsPreserving the essence of a person is executed in an abstract way in order to stay non-emotionally invasive and not to re-invite user's sadness. All objects are personalized and are meant to trigger and evoke continuing bonds to the one they represent. They are one-offs which make them irreplaceable and precious to the user.
  • New BeginningsThe target group was then expanded to people who might just have the urge to leave a 'piece of themselves' behind or just wish to present a highly intimate gift to whomever they choose. As a secondary goal, the collection also aims to raise the awareness of preparing for death in a healthier way, or at least to help people approach the issue in a more soothing way.
  • Reassurance. Serenity. Security'Of Other Spaces' by Aaltonen Salla TUULIA & LEUNG Yik Hei, Faith, BA(Hons) in Environment and Interior Design
  • Reassurance. Serenity. SecurityThis project aims to discuss to what extent does the interior conditions such as colour, lighting, shape and form affect the psychological experiences of space. Conventional spaces of treatment are a natural consequence of understanding the body and medicine, while there is limited understanding of phobias, the irrational, and mental health.
  • Reassurance. Serenity. Security“Of Other Spaces” showcases how different spatial decisions can have a positive or negative impact on the user; either by triggering the phobia or enhancing the feeling of security. A set of options and combinations of various spatial elements are clinically eliminated to two types of spaces: one to induce and the other to counteract the phobia.
  • Reassurance. Serenity. SecurityThese combinations translated into various interior design elements that would mimic the same effect that the original pattern would to the patient, such as lighting, material choice and spatial configuration. In this final stage all the knowledge of medical context is brought back in to redesigning the same spaces of treatment, which were demonstrated in the earlier research.
  • Reassurance. Serenity. SecurityPasserby by CHOW On Wa Perry, LIU Ka Lok Max
  • Reassurance. Serenity. SecurityMeng Po is a god in Chinese folklore. She shed tears for each deceased and serves them a Meng Po soup that would forget their past. For Meng Po, all guests are passersby of her life. Meng Po is one of the protagonists of Passerby, but she is also a bystander in the story. She is playing a significant role in promoting the development of the plot and teach us to let go of things when time comes.
  • Reassurance. Serenity. SecurityAnother main character of the story is the mother, one of the Meng Po's customers who blames herself and can't let go of her son's death. Two persons hold their views at opposite poles when facing death and life. We should learn from Meng Po, letting nature take its course. Everyone is a passerby in the life of others. Only when you let go, you can embrace a brand new beginning.
  • Intriguing the Eye. Sparking ImaginationCity in the Dark by CHAN Ka Man, Carman, BA(Hons) in Communication Design Documentation & Exploration on late-night Hong Kong Hong Kong is a sleepless city which does not rest even in the dark. Late night Hong Kong is not just about time, but a place of its own that showcases high social and cultural values.
  • Intriguing the Eye. Sparking ImaginationThis ‘City in the Dark’ is very often under-estimated due to its low exposure to a majority of people. The late-night city is an important wheel as well as representation of Hong Kong people's obscured livelihood.
  • Intriguing the Eye. Sparking ImaginationBy shading light on late-night city, this design project hopes to bring out the deeper meaning behind late night, the city and the society for people to better understand Hong Kong, our city.
  • Intriguing the Eye. Sparking ImaginationBy shading light on late-night city, this design project hopes to bring out the deeper meaning behind late night, the city and the society for people to better understand Hong Kong, our city.
  • Well-being. Balance. HarmonyMom, Stay Alert! By LEUNG Chi Wai, Kennyone, BA(Hons) in Advertising Design Meiriki JP - Reminding middle age housewives to stay alert to Content farm
  • Well-being. Balance. HarmonyContent farm articles are commonly found among social media in Hong Kong. However, those exaggerated contents are mixed with factual and fabricated information without creditable source, as to gain advertising revenue from the click rate by readers.
  • Well-being. Balance. HarmonyAccording to the research, most of the readers are middle-aged women, they would like to browse and even share those content farm articles about health issues to their families. But their sons and daughters may get annoyed by that. The product ‘Platinum DHA 70’ is a dietary supplement for brain health which helps people to be smart.
  • Well-being. Balance. HarmonyBased on the product feature, the project ‘Mom, stay alert!’ allows sons and daughters to remind their moms about the potential online scams, including content farm articles. Most importantly, they are encouraged to think carefully before they believe in any online rumor. Meanwhile, sons and daughters may turn the product as a good gesture to improve the relationships.
  • Well-being. Balance. HarmonyDecktics by Keneth NG Labante & LEUNG Ming Wai, Cat, BA(Hons) in Interactive Media Health care assistant for type II diabetes
  • Well-being. Balance. HarmonyHong Kong is facing a massive increase in the number of people with diabetes. The diabetics need to go through an adaptation period so that they can stabilize the illness and not run into further complications. Due to misunderstanding of the seriousness of the illness where some patients think it is equivalent to a death sentence,
  • Well-being. Balance. Harmonythey give up on their treatment easily because they can’t want to go through the adaptation period. Decktics offers a get started kit that combines mission and horticultural treatment. Based on the patient’s level of self-control, they will receive a suitable level of the get started kit.
  • Well-being. Balance. HarmonyIn order to help patients live with the illness and manage their health, they will experience the mission-based exercise that helps them change their behaviour in a fun way. Decktics will make a significant difference to new diabetes sufferers.
  • Courage. Empathy Dwarfs by WONG Man Wai, Jack, BA(Hons) in Product Design Educational kit about emotions for ASD children
  • Courage. Empathy The way ASD (autism spectrum disorder) children express themselves is somehow different which causes misunderstandings and lead to difficulties in their social lives. The product targets 6-12 years old ASD children who are educated in ordinary schools. It aims to improve their social lives by setting stages of emotion expression and emotion control.
  • Courage. Empathy In the design, elements of colour, form and sound respectively trigger visual, tactile and auditory sensation of the children. To complete the whole design, digital programming is also applied to provide a complete user experience.

    Courage. EmpathyIn the design, elements of colour, form and sound respectively trigger visual, tactile and auditory sensation of the children. To complete the whole design, digital programming is also applied to provide a complete user experience.


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