We are proud to announce our Outstanding Students 2020 and would like to express our appreciation for the hard work and excellent performance during their studies. Congratulations to their achievements and graduation!
- Mr CARDENAS ZAVALA Kaleb Jemail, Master of Design
- Miss CHAN Wing Kei Eunice, BA (Hons) in Social Design
- Miss CHEUNG Wing Yiu, MSc in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology
- Mr CHOW Wing Sze, BA (Hons) in Digital Media
- Miss CHUNG Ka Yan, BA (Hons) in Advertising Design
- Miss GOPI Gayathri, BA (Hons) in Product Design
- Mr KO Wing Tung, BA (Hons) in Art and Design in Education
- Miss LEE Yuen Yi, BA (Hons) in Environment and Interior Design
- Miss WONG Pui Lam, BA (Hons) in Interactive Media
- Mr YAN Jing Tian, BA (Hons) in Communication Design
The awards were presented at the virtual session of the 26th Congregation on 27 March 2021.