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Subject Synopsis

Code Title Category
ITC1002G Freshman Seminar Ug
ITC1200D Introduction to Fashion Presentation Ug
ITC1A01 Introduction to Thinking Styles Ug / CAR
ITC1A03 Fashion and Beauty Ug / CAR
ITC1C02 Fashion and Culture Ug / CAR
ITC1CN02 Fashion and Culture Ug / CAR
ITC1D04 Smart Wearables and Smart Living Ug / CAR
ITC2001D Design Studies Ug
ITC2002T Textile Studies I Ug
ITC2003D Fashion Design I Ug
ITC2004T Textile Studies II Ug
ITC2005T Apparel Pattern Ug
ITC2006T Apparel Technology Ug
ITC2013M Fashion Marketing Ug
ITC2014R Fashion Retailing Principles Ug
ITC2019M Management Principles in Fashion Business Ug
ITC2020R Supply Chain Management in Fashion Retailing Ug
ITC211FC Digital Product Creation Ug
ITC212MC Photography and Digital Presentations Ug
ITC2202T Foundations of Textiles I Ug
ITC2203T Foundations of Textiles II Ug
ITC2204T Foundations of Apparel Construction Ug
ITC2205D Fashion Design Ug
ITC2206T Techno Fashion Products Ug
ITC2207M Fashion Retail Supply Chain Management Ug
ITC2S01 Engaging Fashion as a Communication Media for the Needy Ug / Service-Learning
ITC2S02 Community Engagement through Expressive Textile Arts and Fashion Ug / Service-Learning
ITC3008T Advanced Apparel Pattern Ug
ITC3010I Bra Construction Ug
ITC3011D Colour and Fashion Trends Ug
ITC3012D Fashion Illustration Ug
ITC3018K Knitwear Technology Ug
ITC3024D Fashion Design III Ug
ITC3025T Coloration and Finishing Technology Ug
ITC3027T Fabric Technology I Ug
ITC3028R Fashion Consumer Behaviour Ug
ITC3029D Fashion History Ug
ITC3030K Fashion Knitwear Illustration Ug
ITC3032R Fashion Retail Operations Management Ug
ITC3033I Intimate Textiles and Accessories Ug
ITC3034K Knitwear Design Ug
ITC3035T Materials Foundation II Ug
ITC3036K Yarn Design Project Ug
ITC3037I 3-D Sew-free Technology Ug
ITC3039T Analytical Methods for Fashion Business Ug
ITC3040T Computer Technology for Fashion and Textiles Ug
ITC3042T Professional Language Skills and Project Preparation (by Thesis) Ug
ITC3046R Fashion Retail Buying Ug
ITC3047R Fashion Visual Merchandising Ug
ITC3050I Intimate Apparel Production Engineering Ug
ITC3069T Quality Evaluation for Fashion and Textiles Ug
ITC3071K Coloration and Finishing for Knitwear Ug
ITC3076E Fashion Shoe Design Ug
ITC3081D Advanced Apparel Techniques and Practice Ug
ITC3085E Fashion Sales Management Ug
ITC3086E Denim Fashion Ug
ITC3088E 3D Scan, Design and Print in Fashion Design Ug
ITC3089E Woven Fabric Design Project Ug
ITC313XC Fashion Product Ideation and Development Ug
ITC314MC Social Media and Fashion Journalism Ug
ITC3201T Knitted Fabric Technology Ug
ITC3202T Woven Fabric Technology Ug
ITC3203T Function-Focus Fibrous Products and Technology Ug
ITC3204T Textile Materials Foundation Ug
ITC3205T Sustainability in Fashion and Textiles Ug
ITC3206T Apparel Production Engineering Ug
ITC3207T Analytical Methods for Fashion Business and Technology Ug
ITC3208T 3D CAD in Pattern Ug
ITC3209D Womenswear Design Ug
ITC3210D Menswear Design Ug
ITC3211D Occasion Wear Design Ug
ITC3214M Omni-Channel Marketing and Retailing Ug
ITC3217I Introduction to Intimate Apparel and Activewear Design Ug
ITC3218I Lingerie Development Ug
ITC3219I Textiles for Intimate Apparel and Activewear Ug
ITC321PC Capstone Project and Dissertation Preparation Ug
ITC3220I Fit Concepts Ug
ITC3221G Professional Attachment Ug
ITC3222K Knitted Structure Design Ug
ITC3223K Circular and Warp Knitting for Fashion Ug
ITC3224E Business Development of Luxury Accessories and Lifestyle Products Ug
ITC3225E Fashion Merchandising Ug
ITC3226K Knitwear Technology I Ug
ITC3227K Knitwear Technology II Ug
ITC3228D Professional Language Skills and Project Preparation (by Collection) Ug
ITC3229E Fashion Project Management Ug
ITC328ME Consumer Relationship Marketing & Management Ug
ITC329XE UX Design for Fashion Ug
ITC331FC 3D CAD Pattern on Ladies Wear Ug
ITC332MC Video Production and Interactive Presentation Ug
ITC342MC Digital Marketing and Data Analytics Ug
ITC4026I Creative Intimate Apparel Design Ug
ITC4038K Advanced Knitwear Design Ug
ITC4043T Fabric Technology II Ug
ITC4049I Intimate Apparel Design Project Ug
ITC4053D Textile Design Ug
ITC4054D 3D Modeling Ug
ITC4056T Final Year Project by Thesis Ug
ITC4057I Expert Seminar Ug
ITC4058R Fashion Brand Management Ug
ITC4059D Fashion Portfolio Ug
ITC4060T Fashion Product Development Ug
ITC4061R Fashion Retail Information Systems Ug
ITC4062R Fashion Retail Promotion Ug
ITC4067K Knitwear Portfolio Development Ug
ITC4068M Merchandising Management Ug
ITC4070I CAD for Intimate Apparel Ug
ITC4072T Colour Management and Technology Ug
ITC4073R International Fashion Retailing Ug
ITC4075R Interactive Fashion Presentation Ug
ITC4076M Quality Management in Fashion and Textiles Ug
ITC4077M Strategic Fashion Management Ug
ITC4081E Fashion Accessories & Ornamentations Ug
ITC4082E Fashion Entrepreneurship Ug
ITC4084E Smart Textiles for Wearable Electronics Ug
ITC4085E Omni-Channel Fashion Marketing and Retailing Ug
ITC4086E Environmental Management in Fashion Business Ug
ITC4201T Advanced Performance Evaluation of Functional Apparel Ug
ITC4202T Smart Textiles for Wearable Applications Ug
ITC4203D Fashion Draping Ug
ITC4204T Fit Solutions Ug
ITC4206M Fashion Advertising and Promotion Ug
ITC4207M Fashion Entrepreneurship Management Ug
ITC4208M Luxury Fashion Management Ug
ITC4209M Fashion Communication Studies Ug
ITC4210I Activewear Development Ug
ITC4211I Creative Design Project Ug
ITC4212I CAD for Intimate and Sports Fashion Ug
ITC4213E Information Systems Management for Fashion Business Ug
ITC4214E Customer Relationship Management Ug
ITC4215D Final Year Project by Collection Ug
ITC4216E Advanced Woven Fabric Design and Structure Ug
ITC426ME Business Intelligence and Analytics for Fashion Ug
ITC433PC Capstone Project I Ug
ITC441FC Advanced 3D Pattern on Sportswear Ug
ITC443PC Capstone Project II Ug
ITC446XE Mobile App Design for Fashion Ug
ITC502 Quality Assurance in Textiles & Clothing TPg
ITC508 Current Issues in Fashion Business TPg
ITC512 International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Textiles & Clothing TPg
ITC514 Sourcing & Logistics TPg
ITC515 Fashion Retailing TPg
ITC516 Research Methodology TPg
ITC519 Information Technology for Textiles & Clothing Industries TPg
ITC522 Strategic Quality Management TPg
ITC523 Apparel Performance Evaluation TPg
ITC525 International Fashion & Textile Design TPg
ITC526 Computing Systems for Garment Manufacture TPg
ITC528 Clothing & Textile Materials & Processes TPg
ITC529 Fashion Merchandising Planning & Control TPg
ITC530 Design Concept TPg
ITC531 Visual Design Communication TPg
ITC532 Evolution of Design Trends TPg
ITC543 Project TPg
ITC544 Design Collection Preparation TPg
ITC545 Fashion Technology TPg
ITC546 Fashion Business TPg
ITC550 Creative Textiles TPg
ITC557 International Business in Fashion Industry TPg
ITC583 Current Technology in the Fashion Industry TPg
ITC584 Fashion Global Marketing & Brand Management TPg
ITC5869 Overseas Seminars (New York) TPg
ITC5879 Overseas Seminars (Paris) TPg
ITC5889 Overseas Seminars (Pearl River and Yangzhijiang River Delta Regions) TPg
ITC589 Advanced Textile Processing Technology TPg
ITC596 Omni-Channel Retailing and Marketing TPg
ITC6000A Research versus Creation in Art & Design RPg
ITC6000B Creative Design for Practice Based Research RPg
ITC6000E Analytical Supply Chain Management for Fashion Retailing RPg
ITC6000G Textile Materials Science RPg
ITC6000I Theory of Fashion – From Aesthetics to Trend RPg
ITC6000J Practicum I RPg
ITC6000K Practicum II RPg
ITC6000L Research Seminars I RPg
ITC6000M Research Seminars II RPg
ITC6000N Research Seminars III RPg
ITC6000O Research Seminars IV RPg
ITC6000P Research Impact in Textiles and Clothing RPg
ITC6000Q Research Methodology for Research Postgraduate Students RPg
ITC6854 Textile Science II: Textile/Fabric Structure and Mechanics RPg
ITC6854RT Guided Study in Textile Structure and Mechanics RPg
ITC6860 Technology II : Methods in Garment Pattern Engineering RPg
ITC6861 Technology III: Computational Methods for Problems in Fashion & Textiles Industry RPg
ITC6861RT Guided Study in Computational Methods for Problems in Fashion & Textiles Industry RPg
ITC6862 Textile Science Vl : Polymer Science RPg
ITC6862RT Guided Study in Polymer Science RPg
ITC6863 Technology IV : Smart Textiles & Clothing RPg
ITC6863RT Guided Study in Smart Textiles & Clothing RPg
ITC6866 Textile Science V : Colour Science & Technology RPg
ITC6866RT Guided Study in Colour Science & Technology RPg
ITC6954 Business III : Managing Global Apparel Supply Chains RPg
ITC6957 Practice-led PhD RPg
ITC6957RT Guided Study in Practice-led Design Research RPg
ITC6971 Selected Readings in Philosophy and Aesthetics RPg
ITC6975 Green Production Research in Fashion Supply Chain Management RPg
ITC6975RT Guided Study in Green Production Research in Fashion Supply Chain Management RPg
ITC6977 Fashion Supply Chain Empirical Research RPg
ITC6977RT Guided Study in Fashion Supply Chain Empirical Research RPg
ITC6980 Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solving Management Problems in Fashion Industry RPg
ITC6981 Digital Printing in Knitwear Design RPg
ITC6981RT Guided Study in Digital Printing in Textile Design RPg
ITC6982 Biomimicry in Fashion RPg
ITC6982RT Guided Study in Biomimicry in Fashion RPg
ITC6983 Guided Study in Textiles & Clothing RPg
ITC6983RT Guided Study in Advanced Materials and Structures: Auxetic Textiles RPg
ITC6984 Guided Study in Design Thinking: Creativity and Multidiscipline in Research Study RPg
ITC6985 Guided Study in Creative Design for Practice Based Research RPg
SFT101FY Introduction to AI and Data Analytics in Fashion Ug
SFT102FY Exploring Fashion Ug
SFT1A03M Fashion and Beauty Ug
SFT201FY Design Studies Ug
SFT202FY Introduction Fashion Materials Ug
SFT203FY Introduction to Fashion Business Ug
SFT204FY Introduction to Apparel Techniques Ug
SFT205FY Introduction to Fashion Presentation Ug
SFT206FY Colour, Fashion Trends and History Ug
SFT207DD Digital Product Creation Ug
SFT208FI Creative Use of Textiles Ug
SFT209FD Fashion Design Ug
SFT210FB Accounting and Finance in Fashion Business Ug
SFT211FB Talent Management Ug
SFT212FB Fashion Operations and Supply Chain Management Ug
SFT2S03 Inclusive Design for the Community through Adaptive Clothing and Accessories Ug / Service-Learning
SFT301DD Interactive Presentation in Fashion Ug
SFT302DD 3D CAD in Pattern Ug
SFT303AF AI in Fashion Business Ug
SFT304AF AI in Fashion Design Ug
SFT305AF AIDA in Fashion Innovation Ug
SFT306FI Technical Textiles Ug
SFT307FI Coloration and Finishing of Fashion & Textiles Ug
SFT308FI Fashion Quality Evaluation and Management Ug
SFT309FD Fashion Illustration Ug
SFT310FD Advanced Apparel Techniques Ug
SFT311FD Apparel Pattern Ug
SFT312FD Fashion Draping Ug
SFT313FD Advanced Fashion Design Ug
SFT314FD 3D Printing for Fashion Design Ug
SFT315KD Knitwear Design Ug
SFT316KD Knitted Structure Design Ug
SFT317KD Knitwear Technology Ug
SFT318KD Yarn Design Project Ug
SFT319FS Sustainable Fashion Design Ug
SFT320FS Sustainability in Fashion Life Cycle Ug
SFT321FS Environmental, Social, and Governance in Fashion Business Ug
SFT322CD Materials & Accessories for Intimate Apparel and Activewear Ug
SFT323CD Contour Design Ug
SFT324CD Sew-free Product Design and Development Ug
SFT325CD Bra Construction Ug
SFT326FB Fashion Consumer Behaviour Ug
SFT327FB Fashion Retail Management Ug
SFT328FB Fashion Buying Ug
SFT329FB Fashion Visual Merchandising Ug
SFT330FB Fashion Digital Marketing Ug
SFT333CP Professional Language Skills and Project Preparation (by Thesis) Ug
SFT334CP Professional Language Skills and Project Preparation (by Collection) Ug
SFT335E Fashion Accessories & Ornamentations Ug
SFT336E Fashion Shoe Design Ug
SFT337E Denim Fashion Ug
SFT338E Professional Attachment Ug
SFT339E Omni-channel Marketing and Retailing Ug
SFT340E Luxury Fashion Marketing and Management Ug
SFT341E Fashion Merchandising and Production Ug
SFT342DD Design and Virtual Fitting Ug
SFT343CD Technical Design & Fitting Ug
SFT402FI Fashion Product Development Ug
SFT403FI Smart Textiles for Wearable Applications Ug
SFT405FI Advanced Performance Evaluation of Functional Apparel Ug
SFT406FD Textile Design Ug
SFT407FD Advanced Fashion Draping Ug
SFT408FD Portfolio Development Ug
SFT409KD Advanced Knitwear Design Ug
SFT410CD Activewear & Swimwear Design Ug
SFT412FB Fashion Market Intelligence Ug
SFT413FB Fashion Brand Management Ug
SFT414FB Strategic Fashion Management Ug
SFT415CP Capstone Project by Thesis Ug
SFT416CP Capstone Project by Collection Ug
SFT417CP Capstone Group Project by Thesis Ug
SFT418E Fashion Entrepreneurship Management Ug
SFT419E Creative High Fashion Project Ug
SFT4217X Integrated Capstone Project Ug
SFT501 Global Fashion Strategic Management TPg
SFT502 Contemporary Issues in International Fashion Business TPg
SFT503 Fashion Entrepreneurship & Organization Behaviours TPg
SFT5041 New York Fashion Seminars & Visits TPg
SFT5042 Paris Fashion Seminars & Visits TPg
SFT5043 Hong Kong, China Fashion Seminars & Visits TPg
SFT5051 International Study Tours and Workshops (Europe or North America) TPg
SFT5052 International Study Tours and Workshops (Asia) TPg
SFT5053 Capstone Project - Innovative Business Proposal TPg
SFT506 Digital Disruption and Fashion Innovation Management TPg
SFT508 Fashion Omni-channel Retailing TPg
SFT509 Advanced Textiles Materials and Technologies TPg
SFT510 Corporate Social Resposibility and Sustainability Management TPg
SFT5100 Leadership in Sustainable Fashion Business TPg
SFT5101 Green Branding and Marketing of Lifestyle Products TPg
SFT5102 Life Cycle Assessment of Fashion Products TPg
SFT5103 Social and Environmental Compliance Auditing for Fashion Supply Chain TPg
SFT5104 Capstone Project of Sustainability TPg
SFT5105 Sustainable Fashion Design TPg
SFT5106 Sustainable Production System in Fashion TPg
SFT5107 Recycling via Technology and Design TPg
SFT5108 Green Innovations for Fashion and Textiles TPg
SFT512 Fashion and Consumer Culture TPg
SFT513 Luxury Fashion Brand Management TPg
SFT514 Craftsmanship and Culture TPg
SFT515 Historical Research Methodologies TPg
SFT516 Historical Patternmaking TPg
SFT517 Essential Tailoring Techniques and Stitches TPg
SFT518 Fashion Presentation and Communication TPg
SFT519 Artisan Design and Production TPg
SFT520E Leatherwork Essentials TPg
SFT521E Couture Embellishment TPg
SFT522E Hand Embroidery TPg
SFT523E Contemporary Passementerie Design TPg
SFT524E Apprenticeship TPg
SFT527CP Capstone Project I TPg
SFT528CP Capstone Project II TPg
SFT543 Introduction of Intelligent Wearable Systems TPg
SFT544 Artificial Intelligence and Human-Machine Interaction in Wearable Systems TPg
SFT545 Advanced Fiber Materials TPg
SFT546 Flexible Electronics for Wearable Technology TPg
SFT547 Smart Fashion and Textiles TPg
SFT548 Design Creativity in Wearable Technology TPg
SFT549CP Research Project TPg
SFT5970 Personal Creative Identity TPg
SFT5971 Professional Practice TPg
SFT5972 Virtual Fashion Creation TPg
SFT5973 Design Practice & Ideation TPg
SFT5974 Creative Methodology TPg
SFT5975 Fashion Technology & Product Development TPg
SFT5976 Fashion Branding TPg
SFT5977CP Personal Major Project TPg
SFT6000R Academic Proposal Writing RPg
SFT6000S Organizational Management and Decision Theories in Business Research RPg
SFT6986 Guided Study in Comfort RPg
SFT6987 Guided Study in Fashion Retailing and Marketing Research RPg

Ug: Undergraduate level (BA/BSc)

TPg: Taught Postgraduate level (MA/MSc)

RPg: Research Postgraduate level (MPhil/PhD)

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