Recent Patents Granted

Title |
Author |
Country | Year |
智能湿响应紧缩织物及其制备方法、智能湿响应紧缩绷带 | Fei Bin, Hua Jiachuan, Liu Chang | PRC | 2021 |
一种阻燃抑烟聚乳酸复合材料及其制备方法 | Fei Bin, Xin Haozhong John | PRC | 2021 |
一種可穿戴式汗液檢測系統、方法及可穿戴裝備 | Liu Rong, Zhao Shumi, Wong Wai Yeung, Zhang Hongyang | HK | 2020 |
一種三維動態織物拉力與壓力測試裝置以及測試方法 | Liu Rong, Zhao Shumi | HK | 2020 |
A Bionic Functional Shoe for Pregnant Women and the Manufacturing Method thereof | Liu Rong | HK | 2020 |
單色經多色緯機織物的表面顯色和織造方法 | Hua Tao | PRC | 2020 |
An Evaporative Cooling Garment with a Capillary Bed Fibrovascular Liquid and Sweat Management System | Fan Jintu, Shahzad Amir | USA | 2020 |
Catalyst and method for biodiesel production from unrefined low-grade oil and crude aqueous alcohols | Yung Ka Fu, Wong Wing Tak, Kwong Tsz Lung, Lau Pak Chung | HK | 2020 |
An Intelligent Condition-based Key Machinery Assets Maintenance Management Platform for the Textile Industry | Ngai Wai Ting,To Kin Man,Choi Y.S.,Lam F.,et al. | HK | 2020 |
Intelligent Decision Support Platform for A Digital Economy: A Novel Approach to Support Sales Strategy | Ngai Wai Ting,To Kin Man,Choi Y.S.,Kong M.,et al. | PRC | 2020 |
一種基於形狀記憶材料的智能壓縮系統 | 胡金蓮,庫馬爾, 畢頻 | PRC | 2019 |
具有用於患脊柱側凸的患者的生物反饋系統的體感背心 | 葉曉雲,於曉川,曾東雄,張美珍,易潔倫,吳新培,謝志勇,郭顯駿 | PRC | 2019 |
一種負泊松比機織物及製造方法 | 胡紅, 茲麗弗卡爾, 阿迪爾, 江寧 | PRC | 2019 |
一種鉸鏈 | 葉曉雲, 霍麗興 | PRC | 2019 |
一種長者組合式連身瑜伽內衣 | 張俊, 劉民龍, 余詠文, 何綺雯 | PRC | 2019 |
Optimizing Bra Sizing According to the 3D Shape of Breasts | Pei J., Fan Jintu, Ashdown S.P. | USA | 2019 |
發光針織物和發光裝置 | Tan Jeanne,Chen Amy | PRC | 2019 |
全短纖維複合結構紗的加工方法與設備 | Hua Tao | PRC | 2019 |
Innovative Energy and Utility Mgmt System in Textiles Processing | Ngai Wai Ting,To Kin Man,Chan Theresa L.K.,Choi Y.S.,et al. | PRC | 2019 |
Breathable Fabrics with Smart Pores | Lao LH,Fan Jintu | USA | 2019 |