Internship Opportunities

ITC students can look for internship/WIE opportunities via the following channels:

SFT Job Board
Any new internship/WIE opportunity will be announced on SFT Job Board. Students are highly recommended to check the online platform and student e-mail account regularly.

PolyU Student Affairs Office (SAO) | Careers and Placement Section (CPS)
SAO's CPS offers possible local/mainland/international programmes to fulfill WIE requirements. They also provide career training and services to equip students with workplace skills and professional attitude. All job or internship opportunities are subject to the approval from SFT. Only approved activities will be counted towards WIE.

Students should submit an Internship/WIE Placement Learning Agreement Form to SFT to seek PRIOR approval for any self-sourced job that you want to be counted towards WIE. Only approved activities will be counted towards WIE.

Highered is an online platform where students can login to seek international internships, trainee, graduate and full-time positions from EFMD company members. Hundreds of quality global opportunities are available and updated weekly. It is free for all PolyU students. To use this service, please register highered platform with your polyu email address.