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ITC Alumni Networking Series

7 Oct 2021


Prof. Jintu Fan encouraged ITC friends to support the proposal for a better future of ITC

(from left) Mr Roger Chan, Ms Idy Lee and Mr Kim Ho

Before the end of the activity, Dr Joanne Yip, Chairlady of Partnership and Development Working Group, offered a facility tour to the alumni

Prof. Jintu Fan introduced his recent research projects to the alumni

Dr Tsai-chun Huang (middle) and Dr Sarina Sun (second from left) introduced the FashionTech Timelapsed exhibition

Hosted by Prof. Jintu Fan, Head and Chair Professor of ITC, the first ITC Alumni Networking Series was given on 30 September 2021 successfully. In response to the social distance restrictions, the activity was organised in a hybrid live format in the ITC 4D Theatre and streamed on Zoom.

Prof. Fan shared that a series of consultation on upgrading the Institute to School is being conducted among staff and students, alumni and industrialists. "A new, independent school will provide a platform for ITC to achieve its vision, being the leading institution in fashion textile and design, education, research and partnership. It will also make ITC more visible." Prof. Fan said.

An Industry Panel Discussion, presented by the FashionTech Timelapsed exposition Webinar Series, “Fashion Technology Adaptions: Past, Present and Future of the Supply Chain" followed. Three alumni including Ms Idy Lee from UNIFi3D, Mr Kim Ho from Crystal International Group, and Mr Roger Chan from Cobalt Fashion shared their views on various issues including: 

  • how are modern fashion technologies integrated in their current product and supply chain in HK/Greater China
  • what were their journeys like in adapting these technologies in HK/Greater China
  • what role do they see design/PD sector play in such fashion technology adoption 
  • in the coming 5-10 years of the industry in HK/Greater China, what impacts and advancements do they foresee

The discussion was facilitated by FashionTech Timelapsed featured design scholars, Dr Sarina Sun, Assistant Professor of ITC; Dr Tsai-chun Huang, Research Assistant Professor of ITC.

Before the end of the activity, Dr Joanne Yip, Chairlady of Partnership and Development Working Group, offered a facility tour to the alumni. They cherished the opportunities to reunite with their classmates and teachers!

The event was jointly sponsored by The Textile and Clothing Alumni Association, Hong Kong Institution of Textile and Apparel, ITC Store, and The Fashion Gallery. 

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