Date | Title | Staff | Media |
12 Oct, 2021 | PolyU to launch three research centres under InnoHK Clusters | Xinhua Financial Agency | |
12 Oct, 2021 | PolyU to launch three research centres under InnoHK Clusters | BizWire Express | |
12 Oct, 2021 | 理大進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平台 設三所世界級科研中心 (in Chinese) | Sohu | |
12 Oct, 2021 | 理大進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平臺 設三所世界級科研中心 (in Chinese) | Xinhua Financial Agency | |
12 Oct, 2021 | 理大進駐創新香港研發平台 (in Chinese) | Ta Kung Pao | |
12 Oct, 2021 | 香港理工大學進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平台 設三所世界級科研中心 (in Chinese) | 新浪網 | |
12 Oct, 2021 | 香港理工大學進駐InnoHK創新香港研發平台 設三所世界級科研中心 (in Chinese) | 騰訊網 | |
6 Sep, 2021 | 80% 長者患不同程度白內障 團體促推老友記眼睛檢查服務 (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Rita Sum and Ms Gigi Yee | Oriental Daily |
30 Aug, 2021 | 嗇色園百周年會客室:提升市民護眼意識 (in Chinese) | Dr Andrew Lam | Metro Radio |
26 Aug, 2021 | 理大:長用電子產品 兩成學生患乾眼症 (in Chinese) | Dr Thomas Lam and Dr Chan Ka-yin | Sing Tao Daily |