Date | Title | Staff | Media |
8 Oct, 2020 | 白內障並非想像咁可怕? (in Chinese) | Mr Horace Wong | OHH Dear Communications |
30 Sep, 2020 | Pupils in race back to school | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | The Standard |
30 Sep, 2020 | 停課間學童日花10小時用電子產品 近視度數增16% (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | The Headline |
30 Sep, 2020 | 學童近視度數飆16% (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | Hong Kong Economic Journal |
30 Sep, 2020 | 日耗10小時用電子產品 調查:學童疫下近視加深 (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | Oriental Daily |
30 Sep, 2020 | 日花 12小時用電子產品 7歲女速變「四眼妹」 (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | Sky Post |
30 Sep, 2020 | 早控近視 預防致盲眼疾 (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | am730 |
30 Sep, 2020 | 每日十句鐘網學打機 學童疫境易傷眼 (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | Wen Wei Po |
30 Sep, 2020 | 疫下長對螢幕學童近視或惡化 (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | Hong Kong Commercial Daily |
30 Sep, 2020 | 網上學習 7歲女近視深200度 學童對屏幕日均10小時 平均增87度 (in Chinese) | Prof. George Woo, Dr Dennis Tse and Dr Vincent Ng | Ming Pao |