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Master of Science in Vision Science and Innovation

Initial Fee (For Acceptance of Admission Offer)

Successful applicants are required to pay a non-refundable initial fee (including initial programme fee of HK$48,000 (equivalent to 6 credits) and the caution money when taking up the admission offer. The remainder of tuition fees for the first semester shall be settled in full by the payment deadline as specified in the debit note issued after the add/drop period.

Tuition Fee

HK$8,000 per credit (x 30 credits)

(Note: There is no tuition charge for the 1-credit AIE subject)


Payment Schedule

Please refer to Section 8.A of Student Handbook for Taught Programmes for details of tuition fee payment and payment schedule:

Other Fees and Expenses


Fees Related to Academic Administration of Taught Programmes

Please refer to the Section 8.I of Student Handbook for Taught Programmes for details:


Accommodation (For Non-local Students)

Students of self-financed programmes need to arrange accommodations themselves while studying in Hong Kong.

A wide range of accommodation options to suit different budgets and lifestyles is available in Hong Kong, and it is important to carefully consider your budget and requirements before deciding on a place to rent. In general, the rent in Hong Kong can vary from HK$5,000 to HK$15,000 per month, depending on the size, location, and type of accommodation (such as a single/shared room, flat, or house), as well as individual needs.

Some information about property agents in Hong Kong can be found at:


Other Expenses

Students also need to allocate a budget for other expenses such as books and daily supplies, transportation, living costs, insurance, telecommunications, and other miscellaneous items, depending on their individual needs.

The PolyU Student Affairs Office (SAO) provides a variety of services and information for non-local students. The non-local students can find guides and recommendations related to pre-arrival preparation, living in Hong Kong, and life at PolyU, among other things, on their website:

Non-local students can also find useful information about the cost of living in Hong Kong on the website of Education Bureau of Hong Kong SAR:

Financial Aid

Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)

The ENLS scheme provides loans to eligible students to cover the tuition fees of specific post-secondary/continuing and professional education courses studied in Hong Kong. For details of the scheme and application process, please visit:


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