Sept 2024 Entry

Full-time, Part-time
Application Deadline
PhD & MPhil
About Programme
How to Apply

Please visit our website for more information about our research areas and programmes.

Research Area

Complementary and Integrative Health in the East-West Context

Please click here to find out more about the research area in Complementary and Integrative Health in the East-West Context and contact our academic staff directly to discuss research opportunities.

Healthy Ageing

Please click here to find out more about the research area in Healthy Ageing and contact our academic staff directly to discuss research opportunities.

Musculoskeletal and Sport Rehabilitation

Please click here to find out more about the research area in Musculoskeletal and Sport Rehabilitation and contact our academic staff directly to discuss research opportunities.

Translational Neuroscience and Rehabilitation: Cognitive-affective Systems

Please click here to find out more about the research area in Translational Neuroscience and Rehabilitation: Cognitive-affective Systems and contact our academic staff directly to discuss research opportunities.

Translational Neuroscience and Rehabilitation: Sensori-motor Systems

Please click here to find out more about the research area in Translational Neuroscience and Rehabilitation: Sensori-motor Systems and contact our academic staff directly to discuss research opportunities.

Research Facilities

Please visit our website for more information about our research facilities.

Other Information

For enquiries about the programmes, please email to the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at rsdept@polyu.edu.hk.

Supporting Documents
Academic Referee's Report

Compulsory - Two Academic Referee's Reports are required for the full-time PhD programmes.

Optional - For full-time MPhil and part-time programmes

Curriculum Vitae


Personal Statement

Compulsory - A vision statement that does not exceed 1,500 words.

Research Proposal

Compulsory - A standard form must be used for the submission of research proposal.  Please click here to download the form.

Transcript / Certificate



Optional - Training and Supervision Plan written by the Proposed Chief Supervisor