

Suspend due to the outbreak of coronavirus, arrangements will be made after resuming class

The SYA project proudly presents a Peer Mentoring Program (PMP)!

The heavy study loads and the inadequate or mismatched supports received by SYA students are affecting their learning experience. PMP is specifically designed for PolyU SYA students to provide support and advice. The primary purpose of PMP is to facilitate a smooth transition from community college to the first year of undergraduate study at Poly U. The PMP also aims to help students build interactive connections with seniors of similar academic background. Their university learning experience will be enhanced comprehensively by participating in the PMP as mentees.

Am I eligible to be a mentee?
All SYA freshmen from any discipline are welcome!

How to be a mentee and what can I do?
Mentoring sessions will be given by experienced SYA Student Ambassadors, act as a mentor, from different programs and faculties every Friday, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, at Room PQ413 or AG101. All SYA freshmen are welcome to come and ask what all you want to know about university life such as campus resources, student activities, academic planning, subject registration, interpersonal relationship and so on. Our Student Ambassadors will address your concerns by sharing their tips, knowledge and experience. Mentees are also advised to be open to constructive feedback for a successful relationship.Students are encouraged to contact mentors to reserve his/her timeslot in advance. Walk-in are also welcome. Participation is free of charge.

What will I gain?
1. Connect with peers with similar academic background and extend social network
2. Develop your study skills that are appropriate for university education
3. Obtain extensive information about university life
4. Receive advice and support from senior SYA students, while you have the freedom to make own choice.

Have questions about the SYA Peer Mentoring Program? Contact us at 3400-8184 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..