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Bai, B., Hu, G., & Lee, I. (2021). Influences on teachers’ professional development: The case of using drama as pedagogy. In Y. Leung, W. Shieh, & S. Villarreal (Eds.), Reflection on English language teaching and learning in a global and diversified world (pp. 118-136). Crane Publishing Co.

Barry Bai, Guangwei Hu (ENGL), Icy Lee

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Bastola, M. N., & Hu, G. (2021). Influences on and impact of motives for supervising master's theses: A multiple-case study. In Teaching and Researching Chinese EFL/ESL Learners in Higher Education (pp. 19-38). Taylor and Francis Inc.

Madhu Neupane Bastola, Guangwei Hu (ENGL)

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Lopez-Ozieblo, R. (2021). Improving second language writing across the disciplines: resources for content teachers. In M. L. Carrió Pastor , & B. Bellés-Fortuño (Eds.), Teaching Language and Content in Multicultural and Multilingual Classrooms. CLIL and EMI Approaches (pp. 191). Palgrave Macmillian.

Renia Lopez-Ozieblo (ENGL)

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Tay, D. (2021). Image Schemas. In The Routledge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics (pp. 161-172). Taylor and Francis Inc.

Dennis Tay (ENGL)

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Chen, S. W. J., Chan, C., Man, V., & Tsang, E. (2021). Helping students from different disciplines with their final year/capstone project: Supervisors’ and students’ needs and requests. In B. Morrison, J. Chen, L. Lin, & A. Urmston (Eds.), English across the curriculum: Voices from around the world (pp. 91-106). WAC Clearinghouse.

Siu Wah Julia Chen, Christy Chan, Vicky Man, Elza Tsang

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Feng, D. (2021). Genre, pedagogy, and PowerPoint design: A multimodal move analysis of linguistics lecture slideshows. In Approaches to specialized genres: In memory of Stephen Evans

Dezheng (William) Feng (ENGL)

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Feng, D. (2021). Focus on forms or focus on meaning: Evaluating the communicativeness of college English textbooks in China. In Teaching and Researching Chinese EFL/ESL Learners in Higher Education

Dezheng (William) Feng (ENGL)

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Ahrens, K., & Zeng, H. (2021). Expressing Concepts Metaphorically in English Editorials in the Sinosphere. In Exploring the Ecology of World Englishes in the Twenty-first Century Edinburgh University Press.

Kathleen Ahrens (ENGL) , Huiheng Zeng

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Hu, G. (2021). English language policy in Mainland China: History, issues and challenges. In English in East and South Asia: Policy, Features and Language in Use (pp. 19-32). Taylor and Francis Inc.

Guangwei Hu (ENGL)

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

Stell, G. (2021). English in Namibia: A socio-historical account. In A. Schroder (Ed.), The Dynamics of English in Namibia. Perspectives on an emerging variety (pp. 21-41). (Varieties of English Around the World; Vol. G65). John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Gerald Stell (ENGL)

Book Chapters | Department of English and Communication

