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Dr Xinyan Huang is an Associate Professor at Dept of Building Environment and Energy Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the Deputy Director of the Research Centre for Smart Urban Resilience and Firefighting and the Program Leader of MEng in Building Services Engineering. He received his PhD from Imperial College London, MSc from University of California, San Diego, and BEng from Southeast University. Before joining PolyU, Dr Huang was a Postdoc and Lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, where he explored the Microgravity Fire Safety for the International Space Station with NASA. Dr Huang is a Combustion Scientist and a Fire Safety Engineer who has co-authored over 200 journal papers and reviewed over 80 journals. He is an Associate Editor of Fire Technology and International Journal of Wildland Fire, an editorial member of J. Building Engineering, J. Safety Sci. Resil., Fire Safety J. and Fire & Materials, a Chartered Building Services and Fire Engineer. He is a board member of Int. Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) and the Int. Association of Wildland Fire (IAWF), a committee member for the HK Fire Safety Code, and a Fire Expert for the HK High Court. He is a winner of the NSFC Excellent Young Scientists Fund, Bernard Lewis Fellowship and Sugden Best Paper Award from Combustion Institute, Early Career Award from IAFSS, Ricardo Award from Institute of Physics, Fire Engineering Grand Award from HKIE, “5 under 35” Award from Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), and Faculty Award of Outstanding Young Teacher. His research team has 20+ PhD students and postdoc fellows, and new positions are open all year round.
黄鑫炎博士是香港理工大学建筑环境及能源工程系副教授、博导,智慧消防与城市韧性研究中心副主任,工学硕士项目主任;英国帝国理工博士,美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校硕士,东南大学学士。加入港理工之前,黄博士在美国加州大学伯克利分校担任博士后研究员和讲师,并与美国宇航局合作研究微重力燃烧和国际空间站的消防安全。主要研究领域涉及基础燃烧科学和火灾安全应用,发表了200余篇SCI论文,并担任80多本国际期刊的审稿人。黄博士是SCI期刊 Fire Technology和 Intl. J. Wildland Fire 副主编、J. Building Engineering, J. Safety Sci. Resil., Fire Safety J. 和Fire & Materials 等期刊编委、屋宇设备及消防特许工程师、国际火灾学会和国际林火学会理事、香港特区政府消防规范与技术顾问、高等法院火灾调查专家。承担国家优秀青年科学基金、香港主题研究计划等科研项目;获得国际燃烧学会伯纳德-刘易斯学者、英国物理学会和燃烧学会最佳论文奖、国际火灾学会杰出青年科学家奖、香港工程师协会消防工程卓越大奖、国际消防工程师协会杰出青年学者奖、优秀青年教师学院奖等。研究团队有20多名博士生和博士后,欢迎新成员加入。
Research Overview
Fire Dynamics, Modelling, and Investigation
Smart Firefighting with Artificial Intelligence
Thermal Safety of Energy Storage Materials
Wildland Fire Behaviours and Fire Ecology
Heat Transfer and Phase Change Processes
Emission and Pollution Control of Combustion
Microgravity Combustion and Fire Safety in Spacecraft
Education and Academic Qualifications
- Doctor of Philosophy, Imperial College London
- Master of Science, University of California, San Diego
- Bachelor of Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing
Professional Qualifications
- Chartered Engineer (CEng), Engineering Council, UK
- Member of The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE)
- Member of Hong Kong Institute of Engineers (HKIE)