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20240705 - RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme-02

Two PolyU projects receive funding support from RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has received funding support from the RGC Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) for two social science projects, which aims to provide insights into human history and individual development. The two awarded projects demonstrate PolyU’s impactful research in connection with human well-being in both the present and historical context. Led by Dr TSUI, Kai Hin Brian, Associate Professor of the Department of Chinese History and Culture, the project titled “Bridging Cold War Divides: Perceptions of "New China" in a Decolonizing British Empire” has secured funding support of HK$214,509. The other project led by Dr LU, HuiJing, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences, titled “Impact of Environmental Harshness and Unpredictability on Individual Development: A Comprehensive Analysis” has received grant of HK$305,000. Dr TSUI’s project aims to examine the perception of New China in the 1950s as a resource for globally circulating postwar critiques of imperial political, economic and cultural inequalities. The study will explore published materials and archival sources in Hong Kong, Beijing, Singapore, New Delhi, Kent and London. It seeks to reconstruct how China established significant presence among prominent activists in Asia, despite having limited formal diplomatic relations with capitalist bloc states. Dr LU’s project aims to deepen our understanding of how the childhood environment influences individual development by reevaluating the definitions of environmental harshness and unpredictability while exploring alternative ways to measure these concepts. The research will provide valuable insights for creating intervention and policies that target specific environmental factors, ultimately promoting more optimal development trajectories for children and adolescents. Introduced in 2012/13, HSSPFS aims at granting extend time-off and supporting funds to the outstanding investigators under the social sciences and humanities disciplines. Each awardee receives funding support for a period of up to 12 months. 

11 Jul, 2024

News Department of Chinese History and Culture



       「港澳和內地高校大學生中華經典誦讀交流展演」作為教育部「港澳與內地大中小學師生交流計劃大學生項目」,自2021年起由江蘇師範大學、香港理工大學、和澳門大學聯合舉辦。活動旨在讓港澳和內地更多的青年大學生感受中華文化的魅力,領略其內涵和博大精深,通過誦讀經典,大家可以借鑒先賢的思想和智慧,提升自己的口才與表達能力,加強心智與情感的升華。        「2024年港澳和內地高校大學生中華經典誦讀交流展演」於6月14日在江蘇徐州舉行。活動前期已收到來自內地、香港、澳門三地超過350部參賽作品。經專家初審後,其中19所院校的30部作品入選交流展演。本次決賽共有六個獎項,分別為最佳誦讀作品獎(Best Recitation Work Award)、時代新風獎(New Trend in New Era Award)、星火芳華獎(Sparkling Youth Award)、青年風采獎(Youth of Elegant Demeanor Award)、最佳視覺表現獎(Best Visual Presentation Award)及古韻華彩獎(Colorful Presentation of Classics Award)。         我系學生徐暢憑借朗誦作品《月光下的中國》榮獲最高獎項——「最佳誦讀作品獎」。  

28 Jun, 2024

News Department of Chinese History and Culture



由香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系主辦的「秦漢歷史與出土簡牘」工作坊於2024年6月22日圓滿結束。 是次工作坊聚集了十一位來自海內外的秦漢史和出土簡牘學者,包括(依姓名筆劃序):柿沼陽平(日本早稲田大學)、唐俊峰(德國海德堡大學)、孫聞博(中國人民大學)、馬增榮(香港理工大學)、高震寰(中央研究院歷史語言研究所)、莊卓燐(日本學習院大學)、郭偉濤(清華大學)、溫玉冰(美國布朗大學)、蔡亮(美國聖母諾特丹大學)、鲁家亮(武漢大學)和黎明釗(香港中文大學)。工作坊共分四場,以線上和線下同步的方式,報告十篇專題論文,內容包括秦漢法律行政制度的特質、小吏對里程的認識、簡牘時代的閱讀、書寫與文字載體、漢代官吏的陞遷和轉任,以及西北、兩湖與重慶等地不同類型遺址的出土簡牘等。通過學者之間的切磋,不但加強對各個具體問題的認識,亦促進各地學術傳統的交流。 工作坊亦開放與有興趣人士登記旁聽,反應熱烈,部分聽眾更積極參與討論。我們期待將來舉辦更多線上和線下同步的工作坊,建立學術討論平台,分享最前沿的研究成果。

27 Jun, 2024

News Department of Chinese History and Culture

YZU- event cover

中華文化論壇圓滿落幕 文化交流共促繁榮

2024年3月22日至25日,香港理工大學與台灣元智大學共同舉辦了“2024 PolyU & YZU 中華文化論壇”,此次論壇旨在促進兩地師生之間的學術交流與合作,深化對中華文化的理解與探索。陳斌博士作為本次論壇主要負責人,積極組織並引導了教師和學生的交流環節,同時負責論壇的組織和籌劃工作,為論壇的成功舉辦做出了重要的貢獻。  論壇於3月22日在香港理工大學拉開序幕,活動內容豐富多彩。開幕式上,香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系系主任韓孝榮教授及台灣元智大學中國語文學系何威萱教授分別致辭,並進行了贈送紀念品及大合照等儀式。在這次論壇中,香港理工大學的朱鴻林教授也在百忙之中抽空參與了會議,並給予了熱情鼓勵,對於活動的順利舉辦給予了高度評價和肯定。隨後,進入了教師和學生的報告環節,各位老師和同學們紛紛發表了精彩的演講,涉及中國歷史、文化、文學等多個領域,為論壇增添了豐富的學術氛圍。   在這次論壇中,多位同學因優秀的論文獲得了獎項。其中,一等獎授予了理工大學的鍾紹山同學,他以《1928年南北政府關於濟南事件的交涉》一文脫穎而出。二等獎獲得者包括理工大學的雷霆,他探討了1958年至1978年的北大荒移民及國家邊疆想象,以及元智大學何雯意的論文,關注姚永概散文中的憂患意識。三等獎獲得者有理工大學的胡小爽,她對張載知論析義進行了深入的研究;林希言則從陸士諤翻新小說《新水滸》的特定詞句出發;陳采珠則探討了白居易詠蓮詩中的儒家意涵;與此同時,曹菀玲對胡居仁《居業錄》版本進行了深入研究,兼論其學術形象,她們的論文涵蓋了不同的研究領域,展現了豐富的學術素養。后三位獲獎者均來自元智大學。  論壇結束後,與會的老師和同學們又繼續進行了一系列豐富多彩的活動。他們首先參觀了厦村鄧氏宗祠,感受了中國傳統宗族文化的魅力。午間,大家一起享用了美味的午餐,並在輕鬆的氛圍中進行了交流和互動。同時,他們也詳細參觀了香港著名的M+博物館,欣賞了豐富的藝術和文化展品,深入了解了香港的藝術氛圍和文化底蘊。此次中華文化論壇的成功舉辦,加深了香港理工大學與台灣元智大學之間的合作關係。相信在未來,兩校將繼續携手合作,共同推動對中華文化的研究與發展。

31 Mar, 2024

News Department of Chinese History and Culture

final alumni

Call for Nominations: Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU CHC 2024

28 Mar, 2024


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Dr Lin Interview Hanfu

我系教職人員林稚暉博士,近日在有線電視節目《家國天下》上分享了她對於傳統中國漢服在香港復興的獨到見解。 在這次訪談中,林稚暉博士深入探討了漢服文化在香港的流行原因及其對於中華文化傳承的重要性。她提出,漢服不僅是一種服飾,更是一種文化象徵,反映了人們對於傳統價值和美學的重視。 此次訪談的在線觀看鏈接為: (視頻時間:2:06 - 3:17)。 作為一名深諳中華文化的學者,林博士的見解為公眾理解漢服文化的流行及其在現代社會中的意義提供了重要視角。她的洞察強調了在全球化背景下,傳統文化的保護與傳承的必要性。

27 Feb, 2024

News Department of Chinese History and Culture



        張維玲博士,畢業於台灣大學歷史系,曾在哈佛大學東亞系、費正清中心擔任訪問學者。目前擔任香港理工大學中國歷史及文化學系的助理教授。張博士的專長領域為宋代政治文化史以及晚唐至明初的地方社會史,特別關注福建莆陽地區的個案研究。她目前的研究項目,不僅與「南宋士人地方轉向」進行對話,還旨在為「宋元明轉折」課題做出貢獻。           張博士的著作《從天書時代到古文運動:北宋前期的政治過程》以繁體字版本出版後,引起了廣泛關注,並收到多家出版社發出的簡體字版出版邀請。鑑於上海古籍出版社在宋代古文運動領域的高度專業性,張博士最終決定選擇其出版簡體字版。這本書不僅有學術價值,還適合廣大讀者閱讀。書中通過梳理北宋前期的政治過程,分析宋代古文運動的歷史脈絡,從而為讀者展示了天書運動,以及人們較少關注的方面。           全書分為上下兩篇。上篇探討1008至1033年的「天書時代」,分析宋真宗與徐鉉後學如何將漢唐經學、讖綸學融合。下篇則聚焦宋仁宗朝的古文運動,探討其如何在批判「天書時代」的政治文化中誕生。書中指出,天書時代是趙宋君臣對漢唐君主「太平」想像的總結性重組,而其在宋仁宗朝的破產,則意味著士大夫群體對漢唐儒學政治理念的反省甚至放棄。           在自序中,張博士提到,這本書反思了兩個傳統的典範敘事:一是解釋宋真宗朝天書封禪事件的「城下之盟」故事;二是解釋北宋前期古文運動的三階段框架。這兩個敘事並非當代學者的發明,而是在北宋仁宗時便形成。           書中還提到,宋真宗時代的天書、封禪、西祀等作為,並非創新,而是基於漢唐儒家經典的詮釋和對太平盛世的期待。而緊隨其後的古文運動,是真、仁之際,不同士大夫群體對天書時代的反省與批判。「因此,他們批評的也就不僅是針對真宗的天書時代,同時也是對漢唐經典詮釋與政治文化的深刻批判與反省。這些士大夫群體,不僅包含范仲淹及其政治支持者,也包含他們的政敵。拙著之所以給後者較多的關注,是因為他們在仁宗統治前期的重要性,不在范仲淹與歐陽修等人之下。」         張維玲從2016年開始從事地方史的研究,以福建莆陽(介於福州與泉州之間)為研究區域,這是一個誕生了蔡襄、蔡京的地方。目前在《新史學》、《漢學研究》、Journal of Song Yuan Studies等期刊發表了若干篇論文,未來希望能寫成一本英文專書。探究的課題包括地方學術與理學的關係、地方政府與地方士人、地方社會的關係,以及中央政府與地方士人的長期互動。           感謝您對張維玲博士新書《從天書時代到古文運動:北宋前期的政治過程》的關注。本書現已在博客來等網站上架,歡迎選購。  

25 Jan, 2024

News Department of Chinese History and Culture


PolyU and HKPM host Stories of China Lecture by Palace Museum Director Dr Wang Xudong - “Dunhuang and the Palace Museum: The Fruits of Exchange and Mutual Learning among Cultures”

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM) jointly organisedthe Stories of China Lecture on “Dunhuang and the Palace Museum: The Fruits of Exchange and Mutual Learning among Cultures”at the Jockey Club Auditorium, PolyU on 11 December.Dr WANG Xudong, Director of the Palace Museum, was invited to speak at the lecture and shed light on the protection and inheritance of Dunhuang and the Forbidden City. Approximately 600 guests, PolyU staff, students, alumni and members of the public joined the event to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. The lecture was attended byMs Winnie TAM Wan-chi, Chairman of the HKPM Board; Prof. LEE Chack-fan, Vice Chairman of the HKPM Board; Dr Louis NG, Museum Director of the HKPM; Dr LAM Tai-fai, Council Chairman of PolyU; andProf. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU. Joined byProf. HAN Xiaorong, Head of the Department of Chinese History and Culture, PolyUas a moderator, Dr Wang also engaged in discussion with two PolyU postgraduate students on the continuity and dissemination of Chinese culture. In his lecture, Dr Wang discussed the formation, development and preservation of Dunhuang and the Palace Museum, and inspired the audience to embrace their cultural heritage with confidence. By fostering a more open-minded and inclusive appreciation of the outstanding achievements of human civilisation, it is hoped to cultivate a nation with strong cultural influence, safeguard humanity’s precious cultural heritage and strive towards building a community with a shared future for mankind. Dr Wang served consecutively as the Deputy Director, Executive Deputy Director and Director of the Dunhuang Academy. He is now a Party Member of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and Director of the Palace Museum. Dr Wang’s work focuses primarily on the conservation of caves, ancient mural paintings and earthen sites, as well as research into monitoring and early warning systems and preventive conservation of cultural heritage. He has presided over sixty conservation projects at nationally protected key cultural heritage sites, published more than thirty academic papers and six monographs as primary author, and has been granted numerous titles and awards.   ***END***

20 Dec, 2023

News Department of Chinese History and Culture

Unnamed item

Faculty Members Participate in 15th East Asia Humanities Forum

12 Dec, 2023

News Department of Chinese History and Culture

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Join the FH Massive Open Online Course (MOOC): Humanities in Focus

The questioning, humanising and connecting approach of humanities education trains all of us to think critically and creatively. In the context of humanities, thinking critically and creatively means to reflect on our personal values and experiences, and challenge what we think we know, and explore how other people may see or experience the world differently from us. Start your journey of thinking critically and creatively by joining the course in just three simple steps:   Click Enroll Register/Sign in Join the MOOC when it launches on 25 September! Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to deepen your understanding of Humanities.

12 Sep, 2023

News Faculty of Humanities

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