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Programme and Guestbook

Conference Programme

Conference Day 1 Schedule (3 December 2024)

0900 – 0930 Check-in

0930 – 1005


1005 – 1105

Keynote 1
Revisiting language across disciplines in the age of EMI and AI
Prof Maria KUTEEVA
Professor of English linguistics
Stockholm University

1105 – 1125

Refreshment Break

1125 – 1225

Plenary Panel 1
WAC/EAC operations and pedagogy 
Speakers: Dr Heather Falconer, University of Maine; Prof Amy LANNIN, University of Missouri; Dr Joel RODGERS, University of Toronto; Prof Susan THOMAS, The University of Sydney

1230 – 1330


1335 – 1435

Keynote 2
Designing and Implementing Writing Components in STEM Courses
Prof Anthony Man-Cho SO
Dean, Graduate School/ Deputy Master, Morningside College/ Professor, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1435 – 1500

Poster Presentation and Refreshment Break

1500 – 1530

Paper presentation, Colloquium and Interactive workshop

1530 – 1600

1600 – 1610


1610 – 1710

Plenary Panel 2 
How language centres can develop and sustain EAC 
Speakers: Dr Wesley CURTIS, City University of Hong Kong; Dr Nora HUSSIN, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Dr Jose LAI, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Dr Clive LEE, The University of Hong Kong; Ms Catherine LIN, The Education University of Hong Kong; Mr Adrian TING, Lingnan University; Dr Jane ROBBINS, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

1720 – 1750

Cultural Activity - Tai Chi demonstration

1800 – 2100

Welcome Cocktail Reception

*The programme may be subject to change without prior notice.

Conference Day 2 Schedule (4 December 2024)

0900 – 0930

0930 – 1030

Keynote 3
Generative AI and Writing Literacies: Applications for WAC/WID
Prof Abram ANDERS
Jonathan Wicker Professor of Innovation and Associate Director of the Student Innovation Center
Iowa State University

1040 – 1110

Paper presentation, Colloquium and Interactive workshop

1110 – 1140

1140 – 1200

Poster Presentation and Refreshment Break 

1200 – 1230

Paper presentation, Colloquium and Interactive workshop

1230 – 1300

1300 – 1400


1405 – 1435

Paper presentation, Colloquium and Interactive workshop

1435 – 1505

1505 – 1535

1535 – 1550

Refreshment Break 

1550 – 1650

Plenary Panel 3
Sustainability and directions for EAC in the era of GenAI
Speakers: Dr Christopher BASGIER, Auburn University; Prof King CHOW, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Dr Angela FRATTAROLA, Nanyang Technological University; Prof Angel LIN, The Education University of Hong Kong; Dr Ursula WINGATE, King's College London

1650 – 1700


*The programme may be subject to change without prior notice.



Parallel sessions

Graduate Students’ Perception and Use of ChatGPT as a Tool to Develop Writing Skills

Christian Chia, Jonathan Phan, Owen Harry and Kit Mun Lee
National University of Singapore

Integrating Content and Language: Autobiographical Reflections among ELT Practitioners across Educational Contexts

Connie Chan
The Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School
Jody Leung
NLSI Lui Kwok Pat Fong College
Patrick Leung
The University of Hong Kong

Investigating the effectiveness of teacher-researcher-ChatGPT collaboration in supporting CLIL teachers’ assessment design

Jieting Jerry Xin
The University of Hong Kong

Being Unconventional: Do We Have the Blessings of Tech Giants?

John Wong
City University of Hong Kong

Teaching AI Literacies in WAC: Strategies for Integrating Critical AI Skills Across Disciplines

Abram Anders
Iowa State University

The Unessay in Higher Education: Integrating AI to foster creative academic expression

Chitra Sabapathy, Jun Hiang Lee and Thirunalini Palaniappan
National University of Singapore

Creative Approaches: CLIL Teacher Education Case Studies from Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Brazil

Fiona Wiebusch and Victoria Bos
The Queensland Institute

Rethinking plagiarism and pedagogy: Building an empirical foundation for policy and practice across disciplines

Karyn Kessler and Paul Rogers
University of California Santa Barbara
Paul Michiels
George Washington University

Communication-intensive Courses: A multilingual and multimodal approach to English Across the Curriculum

Grace Chang and Wim Vergult
Centre for Applied English Studies, University of Hong Kong

Writing Critical Responses in Medical Humanities: From Take-Home to In-Class with AI-Assisted Preparatory Activities

Elaine Ng
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

New insights on cultural literacy and impact of Readtheory to facilitate literacy development

Malai Zeiti Sheikh Abdul Hamid
Universiti Teknologi Brunei
Jaya Priah Kasinathan
SEAMEO Regional Training Centre Brunei
Siti Norazimah Haji Mohamad
Universiti Teknologi Brunei

Enhancing Writing Excellence: AI-Powered Feedback for Cross-Disciplinary English Assignments

Pauli Lai, Ivan Lau, Richard Pang, Chiho Chan and Vico Lai
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Introducing Primary English Education Worldwide to Students with Global Perspectives

Miori Shimada
Toyo University

Empowering Research Postgraduates through Unified Curricula and Self-Determination Theory

Aditi Jhaveri and Danyal Freeman
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Enhancing Disciplinary Literacy of Physics Students: A Collaboration between Content and EAP Instructors

Ella Leung and Yao Hing Wong
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Adapting and adopting stance in academic writing using ChatGPT

Maria Kuteeva
Stockholm University

Helping students tell their story

Jane Robbins, Calum Page, Kevin Goh and Kira Rimrott
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Developing a peer mentoring model for a writing centre to support English-across-the-curriculum

Ryan Hunter, Adam Barker and Issa Ying
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Literacy development for dentistry students’ research and clinical needs

Greg Chung-Hsien Wu
The University of Hong Kong

Using AI as digital information input, not as final linguistic output in academic writing

Sara Lai-Reeve
The University of Hong Kong

Using Gongyeh to Help Mitigating Hong Kong EAL Undergraduate Students’ Fear of Oral Presentation

Kathy Lee and Michelle Fong
Hong Kong Baptist University

Fostering disciplinary engagement in EAC: An emic approach and a decade of HKU experience

Ken Kin Loong Ho
The University of Hong Kong

Teaching and Assessing GenAI-assisted Writing Processes

Jay Bidal
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

An Integrated EAC Approach to Implementing Speaking in the Architecture Discipline

Jose Lai, Adam Fingrut, Olive Cheung, Johnson Chan and Martha Ng
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Aligning Writing Concepts Across the First- and Second-Year Curriculum

Heather Falconer
University of Maine

Rubric-Driven Teaching and Learning Enhancement using Hybrid Intelligence

Christy Chan
City University of Hong Kong
Pauli Lai and Julia Chen
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

AI for Language Learning Workshop

Marshall Warren Yin
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Using Tailored Source Texts to Develop Academic Writing Skills

Mary Eddy U and Jeremy Phillips
University of Tourism Macau

Preparing English Language Instructors for Teaching ESP Courses: A Case Study in Legal English

Man Long Chan
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Cherry Chan
City University of Hong Kong

Teacher Beliefs, Emotions, and Practices in Implementing English Across the Curriculum (EAC) in Mainland China: A Narrative Inquiry

Yang GAO, Ying LI and Xi QIAN
Xi’an Jiaotong University
Dalian Maritime University

Dual Roles of Content Teachers in CLIL Classrooms in Higher Education

Tony Chun Tung Kwok
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Optimizing Literature Reviews with AI: Opportunities and Ethical Implications

Shiqian Zhou
The Education University of Hong Kong

EAC Teaching in the Metaverse

Jean-Paul Duquette
University of Macau

Content-based writing instruction: Promoting student-centred learning through a blended format

Anuradha Ramanujan and Gene Segarra Navera
National University of Singapore

University students’ perceptions of a grammar application to support their English Language Learning

Ivy Chan
Singapore Management University

The possibility of a happy marriage of Education and Technology: how an Generative AI platform may achieve, and the potential to go further

Rodney Wai Chi Chu and Kai Pan Mark
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Appropriating ChatGPT in English Argumentative Writing: An Activity Theory Perspective

Yunan Zhang and Lianjiang Jiang
The University of Hong Kong

Clarifying lexico-grammar descriptions in assessment rubrics via a multidimensional analysis of student writing

Ge Lan
City University of Hong Kong
Shelley Staples
University of Arizona

Supporting EMI Teacher Development in Higher Education in China

Peter Beech
University of Nottingham Ningbo China

An investigation into Business students’ criticality in article critique assignments

Meilin Chen and Linfeng Cai
Hong Kong Baptist University

Unveiling the Art of Popular Science Communication in Physics: A Linguistic Exploration by Physics Students

Anna P.S.YU
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Writing Across the Curriculum: Challenges in the programme implementation

Yin Ling Cheung
Nanyang Technological University

CorpusChat: Specifically-tailored GPTs for enhancing academic writing skills in diverse disciplines

Lisa Cheung
The University of Hong Kong

Multiliteracies in the EAC/CLIL classroom: preparing students for the world

Robin Harvey
New York University

Peer Corrective Feedback Practices and Perceptions among Chinese Learners of English

Shike Jian
University of Queensland

Building a Learner Corpus of Disciplinary Writing: Promoting Data-driven Learning for English Learners

Jie Yang and Ge Lan
City University of Hong Kong

A Trial of an AI-Powered Automated Writing Evaluation Platform: Affordances and Limitations

Jim Lo, Agnes Ng and Pinna Wong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Debbie Guan Eng Ho
Universiti Brunei Darussalam

AI Speech Assistants: will they replace humans?

Adam Forrester
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Addressing Lexical Challenges for Diverse Curricula: An Inquiry into Undergraduates’ Academic Vocabulary Learning Strategies

Edsoulla Chung
Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Daniel Fung
The University of Hong Kong
Aaron Wan
Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Enriching inquiry and communication: Deep thinking, source integration, and presentation in a WAC course

Angela Frattarola, Alvin Leong, Yi-Chin Hsieh, Mia Huan Tan, Audrey Tan, Esther Soo, Audrey Toh and Keri Matwick
Nanyang Technological University

Assessing the Impact of Machine Translation in Multilingual Students' Writing Choices

Susan Thomas, Bronwen Dyson and Benjamin Miller
The University of Sydney

Reflecting on My 8-year Experience as Co-Supervisor and Frontline Supporter in an EAC Project

Allen Ho
The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Promoting interdisciplinary learning in the academic writing classroom: Residential college writing courses

Anuradha Ramanujan and Gene Segarra Ramanujan
National University of Singapore

Empowering Translanguaging Pedagogy in EMI classrooms: Integrating AI-Powered Chatbots

Qianqian Wu and Fan Fang
Shantou University

Empowerment through Language: Collaborative Initiatives in Gender Studies and English Across the Curriculum

Kristy Woon Ki Chan, Joseph Man Kit Cho and Olive Yuet Ying Cheung
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sarah Abramson
University of Bristol

Exploring Teachers` Perspectives on CLT and Language Testing and Evaluation : A Quantitative- Qualitative Study

Rose Marie Berdos and Annie Parmis
Visayas State University

Navigating cognitive and linguistic demands in CLIL classrooms: Pedagogical strategies for dual-focused learning

Daphne Choi
University of Hong Kong / The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Academic Transitions: EAP and STEAM Collaborations at an EMI University in China

Brenden Theaker and David Anstey
Centre for English Language Education (CELE) University of Nottingham Ningbo, China (UNNC)

Forming Partnership: GenAI tools and EFL Doctorate Students

Linda Lin
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Vickie Li
The University of Hong Kong

Developing professional oral communication skills in design: A discourse analytical study of online discussions

Li Xia, Grace Lim and Stefan Sonntag
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

EMI Economic Students in China: Self-Directed Learning Strategies When Reading English Disciplinary Texts

Wenyun Jia and Jack Pun
City University of Hong Kong

Evaluating English learning gains and experiences among tertiary students in a blended learning environment

Wan Sze
Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education
Julia Chen
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Translanguaging Practice in a CLIL Classroom

Virak Chan
Purdue University

Towards machine translation literacy in second language writing: An assemblage perspective

Rong Yu and Lianjiang Jiang
The University of Hong Kong


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