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馮展鵬同學就讀物流工程兼管理(榮譽)理學士學位課程,經中國語文教學中心提名,榮獲人文學院Dean's Certificate of Appreciation (Promotion of the All-round Development of PolyU Students) 2021/22,中心特此致賀。   馮同學品學兼優,曾經加入中心轄下蒼梧文學社,並擔任文字編輯,其間認真投入,克盡己任,深得老師與同學欣賞。另外,馮同學也參與由江蘇師範大學、香港理工大學、澳門大學主辦的「蘇港澳高校大學生中華經典誦讀交流賽」,經本中心老師指導,獲「時代新風獎」。此外,馮同學也積極參與各項計劃,盡展專業才能,又成為義師,協助有特殊教育需要的學童,致力增值自己,服務他人。   馮同學獲得獎項實至名歸,再次恭賀同學,亦希望同學再接再厲,在理大發光發熱!

7 Oct, 2022

Chinese Language Centre (CLC)

eLanguage Banner 948x496

Launch of PolyU’s eLanguage 易語學

A new language learning eplatform created by FH is ready for undergraduate students this semester. The eplatform, called eLanguage 易語學, has been created by colleagues in the CLC and ELC. Students are encouraged to join eLanguage 易語學 to improve their language proficiency in Chinese and English self-enrol instructions.pdf. The platform includes learning modules on writing essays, general vocabulary and workplace English and Chinese as well as an introduction to pinyin. The best performing students on eLanguage 易語學 will have the chance to win great prizes including tablets, bluetooth earphones and book vouchers. Find out more details in this video:  

25 Aug, 2022

Faculty of Humanities


In light of the ongoing epidemic situation in Hong Kong, the Putonghua Proficiency Test for Primary Students (PPTPS) formerly scheduled in March 2022 will be rescheduled until further notice. Exam fee will be refunded in full. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

21 Feb, 2022

Putonghua Proficiency Test for Primary Students (PPTPS) Faculty of Humanities


Chinese Self-learning Unit will be Temporarily Closed

Due to the resurgence of a pandemic, the Chinese Self-learning Unit located at FG701 will be temporarily closed with effect from Monday, 14 February 2022 until to further notice. Thank you for your cooperation. Chinese Language Centre

11 Feb, 2022

Self-Learning Unit Faculty of Humanities


Cancel Spring Festival Event – Spring Couplets

In response to the latest development of the epidemic, please be informed that Spring Festival Event – Spring Couplets which scheduled on 26 Jan 2022 (Wed) will be CANCELLED. Thank you for your kind attention. Chinese Language Centre The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

24 Jan, 2022

Self-Learning Unit Faculty of Humanities


PolyU 85th Anniversary Performance cum Putonghua Recitation and Demonstration Workshop

PolyU 85th Anniversary Performance cum Putonghua Recitation and Demonstration Workshop 誠邀參與「香港理工大學85周年校慶紀念演出 暨 朗誦及表演工作坊成果展演」   各位同學:   欣逢香港理工大學85周年校慶,中國語文教學中心將聯同香港大專普通話朗誦社舉辦「香港理工大學85周年校慶紀念演出 暨 朗誦及表演工作坊成果展演」,以朗誦及表演藝術作為大學其中一項慶祝活動。現誠邀各位同學參與是次活動,詳情如下:   活動共分為兩部分:   提升學生表達及溝通能力──朗誦及表演工作坊 工作坊內容:學習、探索、實踐:分5-6個小組排練,每個小組有一位老師(朗誦社代表)協助訓練。   分為三個階段,共10次活動。如有需要,各小組可再商量加排: 學習(由朗誦社老師負責舉辦2次講座):表達、朗誦、表演技巧,認識不同的表演形式:集誦、獨誦、對誦、讀劇、戲劇小品等 探索(8次分組練習):按能力、意願等分小組練習不同的演出形式,藉此練習及探索語言表達、形體表現及情緒表達的技巧等 實踐(香港理工大學85周年校慶紀念演出):展示學習及排練成果,並在之後舉辦總結會   香港理工大學85周年校慶紀念演出 本次演出由香港大專普通話朗誦社承辦。朗誦社由香港各大專院校熱愛朗誦藝術的師生所組成,曾應邀遠赴北京、台灣、廣州、珠海、深圳、重慶等地大學交流演出。該社在香港大專院校有廣泛的影響,歷年來排練演出的節目深獲社會各界好評。   對  象:對朗誦、表演等有興趣或有志於提高普通話水平的香港理工大學學生 人  數:20~25名 地  點:香港理工大學教室(工作坊);香港理工大學蔣震劇院(紀念演出) 方  式:面對面活動 語  言:普通話     時間表:   時間 內容 2022年1月15日(星期六)及 2022年1月22日(星期六)(暫定) 講座 2022年2月至4月 分組周末排練8次,4月中結束工作坊第二階段活動 2022年5月 理大期末考試結束,之後開始密集排練 2022年6月17日(星期五) 19.00 - 22.00 連排 2022年6月18日(星期六) 09.00 - 12.00 最後排練 2022年6月18日(星期六) 15.00 - 17.00 紀念演出 2022年6月底 總結會   報名連接: 報名截止日期:2021年12月28日(星期二)   成功報名的同學會於2021年12月31日收到通知,並須於2022年1月5日參加見面會,以確認參加資格。另外,出席率達8成以上並參與紀念演出的同學,可獲得參與證書及禮券。詳情稍後公佈。   熱切期待同學的參與,希望與大家早日見面!      

6 Dec, 2021

Self-Learning Unit Faculty of Humanities



本校舉行的「國家普通話水平測試」(PSC) , 下次考期,容後公布。 不便之處,敬請原諒。

1 Nov, 2021

Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi


Cangwu's Arts Sharing

19 Oct, 2021

Self-Learning Unit




6 Sep, 2021

Chinese Language Centre (CLC) Faculty of Humanities


Updated Arrangement of Chinese Self-learning Unit

Dear students, The Chinese Self-learning Unit at FG701 will resume normal operations of services with effect from Thursday, 18 February 2021. The opening hours will be: Mondays to Fridays: 9:00 am – 6:00 p.m. Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed Users must wear mask when entering and staying in the Unit. Social distancing measures, e.g. 1.8m distance from others, must be implemented. Instant hand sanitizer and alcohol swap are available at the counter. The above arrangement will be maintained until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation. Chinese Language Centre

17 Feb, 2021

Self-Learning Unit Faculty of Humanities

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