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Research / Specialist Centres / Symposia


ACBM Asian Centre for Branding and Marketing (ACBM)

The ACBM conducts research on branding and marketing related issues to promote an enhanced understanding of the value creation process and business performance. It adopts interdisciplinary and cross-functional approaches to produce cutting-edge branding and marketing research with both academic and practitioner relevance. The Centre is a knowledge sharing platform facilitating the transfer of ideas and practices among design professionals, consultants, business leaders and academics, leading to innovative branding and marketing strategies and programmes for Hong Kong, Pearl River Delta and the Asia Pacific region.


CESEF Center for Economic Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Finance (CESEF)

The CESEF is committed to creating a network of scholars, corporate partners, and professional bodies for resolving economic sustainability and entrepreneurial finance problems and improving the market and regulatory framework. In addition to developing innovative teaching materials at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels, it also aspires to be an independent think tank offering expert opinions to the government, regulators, businesses and courts. The three main themes of the Centre's research are (1) Economic Sustainability; (2) Entrepreneurial Finance; and (3) Internet-based Finance.


CLI Centre for Leadership & Innovation (CLI)

The CLI draws on the diverse expertise of the Faculty as well as the knowledge and experience of the local and international academic and business communities. It adopts an integrated approach to the advancement of research, teaching and consultancy in the areas of entrepreneurship, leadership and strategic management. The Centre organizes research activities and provides service to industry. Such activities include seminars, workshops, and collaborative projects within and outside the university. Its services include consultancy, management training and executive coaching.


ICMS CY Tung International Centre for Maritime Studies (ICMS)

The ICMS advances research and education activities in different fields of shipping and logistics operations at national and international levels. It conducts pioneering research on container port productivity, port policy, shipping operations and management, and low carbon logistics, in addition to promoting collaboration between industries, government agencies, and academic organizations. It provides comprehensive maritime education and training that offer employees and organizations insights into different professional settings.


logo06_07 Faculty of Business Case Consortium (FBCC)

Case study takes a vital role in business education as it enables students to solve multi-faceted business problems faced by managers in a classroom setting.  Recognizing such importance, the Faculty of Business Case Consortium (FBCC) is set up to promote business education through developing high quality business cases studies and technical briefs on latest business issues and state-of-the-art management practices.


DTC Faculty of Business Digital Transformation Centre (DTC)

The DTC caters for the needs of individuals and organizations, the academic and business communities and society as a whole. It promotes and enhances the understanding and management of technology innovations and digital transformation mainly through research, training and consultancy. It provides a platform for collaboration and partnership, sharing expertise and resources.


LRC Logistics Research Centre (LRC)

The LRC promotes and facilitates applied research in logistics. It also provides research, consultancy and training to the logistics and related industries as well as organizes seminars and conferences with an emphasis on collaboration. Members of the research team come from various PolyU departments with a wide range of expertise.


PMLC PolyU Maritime Data and Sustainable Development Centre (PMDC)

The PMDC, incorporating the Data Centre, provides services to PolyU faculties and students, the maritime community and the government. The Centre is aimed at providing analyzed maritime data for the government and the maritime community and, committing to provide maritime education and training programs for industry professionals to enhance the position of Hong Kong's maritime industry. The Centre consults THB and the Marine Department on research and development projects and co-operates with them in promoting research and development to meet industry needs.


SRC Shipping Research Centre (SRC)

The SRC is a multidisciplinary unit comprising researchers with extensive expertise in shipping and logistics management. It facilitates collaboration between academic researchers and industry practitioners to generate and disseminate information on solutions to industry’s problems, develop new business models, and promote innovative management in the shipping and related industries. The Centre hosts and manages an SSCI scholarly journal, publishes several book series, carries out research in the shipping and logistics areas, conducts consultancy and funded research projects, and organizes international conferences and academic and professional seminars.


PolyU Asklora FinTech Adoption Index (FAI)

The FAI is a locally developed index that measures Hong Kong’s consumers' digital adoption across three dimensions: user types, FinTech sectors, and impact categories. The index covers over 1000 individuals across all demographics every quarter to represent the Hong Kong population and is the first native index that emphasizes the consumer aspect of FinTech adoption by directly going to the retail user.

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