DING Jiaqi
Sina is an online media communication and marketing company whose main product is a social media application – Sina Weibo. As a Case Packaging Intern, Jiaqi was responsible for organising the data of successful cooperation cases between Weibo and other brands.

Baker Tilly China Certified Public Accountants engages in securities- and futures-related business, finance, state-owned enterprises, and audit qualifications.

YANG Yifan
Lenovo is a multinational technology company specialising in designing, manufacturing, and marketing information technology (IT) products and providing IT services. During the internship, Yifan learnt how to use Django in Python coding engineering, which she was unfamiliar with previously. She learnt how to apply this coding language efficiently and make her work valuable.

POON Hoi Kin
Beijing Zhonghangzhi Technology Co., Ltd is a company specialising in the design of UAVs for the military. They contributed to military aircraft development because they can use unmanned aircraft in combat, search, and security operations.