Ivan Chui
Senior Manager |
- ST 305
- +852 3400 8383
- ivan-w.chui@polyu.edu.hk
- Institutional partnerships and internationalisation

Vien Lee
Manager |
- ST 305
- 852 2766 4522
- vien-wy.lee@polyu.edu.hk
- Student exchange and funding support

Sharon Chan
Assistant Manager |
- ST 305
- +852 3400 2986
- inbound.exchange@polyu.edu.hk
- Inbound exchange

Carol Chiu
Global Engagement Officer |
- ST 305
- +852 2766 5375
- inbound.exchange@polyu.edu.hk
- Inbound exchange

Kurtis Ng
Executive Assistant |
- ST 305
- +852 2766 4518
- inbound.exchange@polyu.edu.hk
- Inbound exchange

Zukie Ho
Assistant Manager |
- ST 305
- +852 2766 5376
- outbound.exchange@polyu.edu.hk
- Outbound Exchange

Karen Tang
Global Engagement Officer |
- ST 305
- +852 2766 5200
- outbound.exchange@polyu.edu.hk
- Outbound exchange

Joanne Yung
Executive Assistant
- ST 305
- +852 2766 5118
- outbound.exchange@polyu.edu.hk
- Outbound exchange

Stella Chau
Executive Assistant
- ST 305
- +852 3400 8301
- summer.sch.polyu@polyu.edu.hk
- International Summer School

Rose Tan
Associate Director |
- ST 305
- +852 2766 5098
- lee-yong.tan@polyu.edu.hk
- Non-local learning experiences, non-local WIE, and alumni engagement

Kylie Choi
Manager |
- ST 302
- +852 2766 5903
- wie.nonlocal@polyu.edu.hk
- International WIE and Mainland WIE

Lucille Jin
Global Engagement Officer |
- ST 302
- +852 3400 2145
- wie.nonlocal@polyu.edu.hk
- International WIE, Mainland WIE and Taiwan WIE

Jasmine Chait
Global Engagement Officer |
- ST 305
- +852 2766 5349
- wie.nonlocal@polyu.edu.hk
- International WIE and Mainland WIE

Audrey Wang
Executive Assistant |
- ST 302
- +852 2766 5120
- wie.nonlocal@polyu.edu.hk
- Mainland WIE