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Research Student Attachment Programme – Incoming

Guidelines   Leaflet 
Online Application   System User Guide
Forms and Notes for Successful Applicants


RSAP 2023/24 2nd Round (Now closed. Next call in Sep/Oct)

[Applicable for attachment commencing on or before 30 April 2025]


Research Student Attachment Programme - Incoming (RSAP-Incoming) provides international PhD students with an opportunity for research attachment at PolyU to foster collaborative research. Two rounds of applications are invited each year.


Period of attachment

  • The period of attachment is from a minimum of three months to a maximum of one year.
  • Applicants should take visa processing time into consideration when proposing the commencement date of the attachment.


  • Current PhD students with good academic standing, whose home institutions are overseas (except mainland China, Macau and Taiwan), are eligible for application.
  • Applicants and host supervisors should have common research interests for supervision purposes. For host supervisors at the rank of Research Assistant Professor, joint supervision with academic staff with supervisory experience is required.
  • Applicants who have previously participated in an attachment programme can re-apply.


Financial support

  • Successful applicants are entitled to a subsistence allowance of HK$12,000 per month (or a daily rate of HK$400 for a partial month). The maximum allowance is capped at HK$72,000 per trip, i.e., the maximum amount for six months.
  • The aggregate amount for subsistence allowance per student is capped at HK$72,000.
  • Successful applicants are not required to pay tuition fees to PolyU, but may be required to pay tuition fees to their home institution.

Application procedures and timeline

  • Step 1Applicants should seek consent from a potential host supervisor prior to application.  The research interests and contact information of PolyU faculty staff can be found on the PolyU Scholars Hub.
  • Step 2The research plan and expected outcome must be mutually communicated.
  • Step 3Application can be made via the online submission system. Required submission documents include:
    • A supporting letter from the home supervisor or the affiliated department/faculty, specifying the full name of PhD student, the name of the home supervisor, the name of the host supervisor, and the period of attachment,
    • A copy of the academic transcript of the applicant,
    • A brief CV of the applicant with a list of representative publications, and
    • A brief CV of the host supervisor with a list of representative publications and PhD student supervision experience.
  • Timeline:
    Date Event
    2 Apr 2024 Call for application
    31 May 2024 (23:59 HKT)
    Application deadline
    7 Jun 2024
    PolyU supervisor endorsement deadline
    14 Jun 2024
    D/SRC application assessment deadline
    24 Jul 2024
    GS application selection
    31 Jul 2024 GS notification of results



For enquiries, please contact the Graduate School by email at


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