Food Hygiene Standard Certification System (FHSCS)

Contact Us
Food Safety and Technology Research Centre
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 香港理工大學
- +852 3400 8806
Licensed Certification Body
Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
- 2202 9111 (Tel); 2202 9222 (Fax)
Licensed Certification Body
Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd
- 2173 8888 (Tel); 2786 1903 (Fax)
Licensed Certification Body
SGS Certification and Business Enhancement
- 2765 3620 (Tel); 2333 2257 (Fax)
Introduction 簡介
- The Standard "FHS 001: 2013 Food hygiene systems – Requirements for catering establishments" set out the requirements of food hygiene systems for catering establishments based on HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control point) principles for reducing health risk of food safety hazard arising from biological, chemical and physical agents, such that the food products are safe for human consumption. The Standard is applicable to a catering establishment where food is prepared and served for human consumption, including but not limited to restaurants and canteens.
食品衛生標準FHS 001: 2013「食品衛生體系餐飲場所的要求」為餐飲場所, 列出以HACCP (危害分析與關鍵控制點) 原則為基礎的食品衛生體系的要求,從而減低由食品安全危害引起的健康風險,使食品能供人安全食用。食品安全危害包括生物、化學及物理等因素。此標準適用於製作食品並提供就餐的餐飲場所,包括但不限於餐館和食堂。 - The Conformity Guide serves as a practical guidance for catering establishments to establish, implement and maintain food hygiene systems in conformity with the Standard FHS 001:2013, in particular the requirements pertaining to general hygiene and food process hygiene.
標準指南為餐飲場所提供務實指引,以建立、實施及維護一個符合標準 FHS 001: 2013 的食品衛生體系,尤其是有關一般衛生和食品工序衛生等的要求。 - The Standard FHS 001:2013 together with this Conformity Guide form the basis of the Food Hygiene Standard Certification System (FHSCS). The System aims at assisting the catering industry, especially small to medium establishments, to develop food hygiene systems with minimum resource requirements for certification.
食品衛生標準 FHS 001:2013 連同標準指南,是食品衛生標準認證系統 (Food Hygiene Standard and Certification System) 的組成部份,由創新及科技基金資助,協助餐飯業,尤其是中小型餐飲場所,以最低的資源要求下,建立食品衛生體系並達至認證的目的。
The FHS Logo 標誌
Upon certification, your restaurants or canteens can display our FHS Logo in prominent places. It is a trusted symbol for showing to consumers that the management cares about food safety and a certified food hygiene system is in place. It is public recognition among catering industry.
Presence of food safety hazards in food, namely chemical, biological and physical hazards, poses health risks to the consumers. Amongst them, microbiological food safety hazard is the most common culprit for food poisoning cases in catering establishments. Adequate environmental, personal and food process hygiene practices throughout the processes are essential for ensuring food hygiene and safety, from purchasing and receiving of food raw materials and ingredients to serving the food products to the consumer.
食品安全危害 (大致上分為化學性、生物性及物理性危害) 對健康造成風險,當中微生物食品安全危害所導致的食物中毒最為常見。充足的環境、個人及食品工序等的衛生操作規範,能確保由食材採購及驗收,至把食品端至顧客面前整個流程的食品衛生及安全。
Follow HACCP principles, with minimal regulations
用最低資源,同時可跟循危害分析與關鍵控制點 (HACCP) 的原則
HACCP principles provide a product-based and process-based approach to control food-borne hazards in food production. However, direct application of HACCP principles to a catering establishment is considered not readily practicable due to the large variety of food products. Identification of critical control points of the process of a food product category and establishment of appropriate control measures are then achieved by applying the HACCP principles.
危害分析與關鍵控制點 (HACCP) 原則提供一個以及生產過程作基礎的操作模式,去控制在食品製作過程中的食源性危害。可是,由於一般餐飲場所需要處理大量不同種類的食材及產品,直接套用HACCP 原則於餐飲場所的管理未必切實可行。因此,此標準應用了HACCP的原則,在某食品類別的工序選定關鍵控制點,並建立合適的控制措施,以達至保障食品衛生目的。
Demonstrating your responsibility on food safety management in food premises
The future of the catering industry is very important – to environment, to your business and to all of us.
- The organizations eligible for certification are catering establishments where food is prepared and served for human consumption, including but not limited to Restaurants and Canteens.
所有製備食品和供人就餐的餐飲場所都符合資格申請此認證,包括但不局限於餐館和食堂。 - Applicants may apply for Partial Certification. Where only a selected number of sites/locations of food service under the same applicant's legal entity are included in the certificates upon approval of the certification.
申請機構可申請部份認證。若認證範圍只包括申請機構旗下的數個餐飲場所,認證獲得審批後,有關的證書將會註明「限定場所」。 - Applicants may select a number of food categories to be covered in the certification (for more details, please contact our staff). In such case, the selected food categories shall be indicated on certificate upon approval of the certification.
申請機構可選擇部份食品類別作認證,在此情況下,有關的證書將註明所申請的食品類別。 - When a certified client wants to change the scope of certification, the Certification Body shall be informed and an Extended Surveillance Visit shall be arranged.
Overview of FHS certification application procedures 考獲食品衛生標準認證步驟一覽:

The catering establishment and its customers will benefit from the implementation of a food hygiene system in conformity to FHS 001: 2013, expected benefits are:
實施符合FHS 001:2013標準的食品衛生體系,餐飲場所及其顧客同樣得益,其優勢如下:
- Reduced frequency of customers audits 減少消費者審核次數;
- Reduced liability exposure 減少責任承擔;
- Internal process improvement 改善內部運作流程 ;
- Maintenance of system and compliance with regulatory requirements through regular audits 透過日常審查,維持系統及遵守有關法例的規定;
- Enhanced buyers' confidence 增強顧客的信心;
- Competitive advantage over non-certified companies 提升競爭力;
- Enhanced company image 提升餐飲場所的形象
Please refer to Licensed Certification Body for the List of Certified Catering Establishments.
Below are Licensed Certification Body (updated on 1-July 2017) 政府認可的認證機構如下 (截至2017年7月1日):
SGS Certification and Business Enhancement (SGS 認證及企業優化部)
Hotline 熱線: +852 2765 3620
Fax 傳真: +852 2333 2257
Email 電郵:
Website 網頁:
Application as Licensed Certification Body 申請成為特許認證機構:

For details, please contact Food Safety and Technology Research Centre, PolyU. If your request is made via email or fax, please name it as "Apply as Licensed Certification Body"
如欲查詢詳情,請與理大食物安全及科技研究中心職員聯絡。如以電郵或傳真,抬頭請注明為 [申請成FHS 認證機構]
Tel 電話: +852 34008860
Fax 傳真: +852 23649932
Email 電郵:
Disclaimer: In the event of any discrepancy, the English version should be considered as final. 如內容上有任何爭議,一切以英語版本為準。
創新及科技基金支持檢測認證發展 - 食品安全把關 保障市民健康
Mingpao (2012-02-06)
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Oriental Daily (2014-04-03)
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Seminar on Food Certification (2014-04-25)
創新及科技基金支持本地檢測及認證業發展 - 提升品質 保障健康
Seminar on Testing and Certification Services for Food (2017-08-18)
Launching Ceremony of Food Hygiene Standard Certification System (2017-09-28)
食物衛生標準認證系統 啟動禮