Global Student Competition 2022
Leadership and Serving the Community
Nurturing “socially responsible global citizens” is one of the educational aspirations of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). PolyU is committed to equip our graduates with the capacity for understanding different cultures and social development needs in the local, national, and global contexts; and groom their social, national, and global responsibility.
PolyU’s service-learning programme, an international award-winning module, is an experiential learning pedagogy that integrates meaningful community service with academic study and reflections to enrich students’ learning experience. Our Leadership Academy for Responsible Global Citizenship provides an education platform on issues of civic responsibility and leadership, in a cross-cultural and boundary-crossing setting.
To share our educational aspiration with students from our global partner universities, the “Global Student Competition 2022: Leadership and Serving the Community” is launched to invite student applications, to offer a “Study Opportunity at PolyU for the Leadership Academy and Service-Learning”.
Who is eligible?
- You must be a full-time undergraduate student from a member university of the Consortiums & Networks that PolyU engages with (please refer to the PolyU Network & Consortium list).
- You have led / organised / participated in social and community project(s). The project(s) can be local, regional or international; and
- You should have sufficient English proficiency for presentation and discussion. (please refer to the Terms and Conditions section below for preferred English language proficiency).
Mode of Competition
This competition is open to individual participants only. Students are required to submit an essay (no more than 1,000 words) or a short video (no more than 5 minutes) showcasing their social commitment and community participation, on either of the following themes for an entry:
Theme |
Submission Deadline |
Result Announcement |
Theme 1 |
Leadership for Future World |
15 April 2022 |
By early May 2022 |
Theme 2 |
Serving People with Knowledge |
15 May 2022 # |
By end May 2022 |
All application materials must be in English.
Participants must register through the online Registration Form and send the essay file /video link in accordance with the instructions written in the form, before the deadline of respective themes.
Selection Criteria
The selection will be based on the quality of submitted essay/video to meet the following criteria:
- Student’s aspiration to serve the community;
- Student’s motivation and action to improve the well-being of people and communities; and
- Student’s creativity to provide practical solutions in tackling societal challenges.
Theme 1: Leadership for Future World
All winners will be accepted to PolyU International Summer School 2022 with 2-course enrollment. One course from the Leadership Academy for Responsible Global Citizenship: One World Our World (13 June – 13 July 2022), and the other course from the Summer School Main Session (14 July – 20 August 2022).
First Prize (1 awardee): To join the Leadership Academy plus the subject “Service Leadership” in the main session with full sponsorship (equivalent to HK$18,000)
Second Prize (1 awardee): To join the Leadership Academy or 1 subject “Service Leadership” in the main session with full sponsorship (equivalent to HK$9,000)
Third Prize (2 awardees): To take 1 subject “Service Leadership” in the main session with 50% tuition wavier (equivalent to HK$4,500 each person)
Outstanding award (4 awardees): To take 1 subject “Service Leadership” in the main session with one-third of tuition wavier (equivalent to HK$3,000 each person)
* For Programme Fee, please refer to PolyU International Summer School 2022 official website.
Theme 2: Serving People with Knowledge
All winners are eligible for enrollment of a semester full-time study at PolyU during the academic year of 2022/23 under one of the government-funded bachelor’s degree programmes with (1) the enrollment in one designated Service-Learning subject in acquiring the structural training in applying their academic knowledge to serve people, and (2) a guaranteed University-managed Accommodation with subsidized room rate for the study period. The winners will be registered as Study Abroad students during the semester with a study load of 9 to 18 credits which is equivalent to 3 to 6 undergraduate courses.
First Prize: One Full tuition fee* waiver to have one semester study at PolyU
Second Prize: One 50% tuition fee* waiver to have one semester study at PolyU
Third Prize: One 25% tuition fee* waiver to have one semester study at PolyU
* For full-time government-funded Bachelor's Degree schemes / programmes in the 2022-2023 Academic Year, a tuition fee of HK$ 145,000 is charged for 1 Academic Year, or HK$ 72,500 for 1 Semester.
Terms and Conditions
- All community project(s) mentioned in the submission must be the original work of the applicant. Any applicant found to have committed copyright infringement, plagiarism, and/or intellectual property theft will be disqualified.
- The finalists may be invited for online interview and presentation.
- All the winning essays and videos may be displayed, with the consent of the authors, at the website and social media of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Winners of Theme 2 (Serving People with Knowledge) are required to present the official transcript from their home universities to validate their studentship, before PolyU issues an official invitation letter and supports their study visa in Hong Kong. They are also expected to commence their PolyU study in the academic year of 2022/23.
- The personal data in relation to your submission will be used by PolyU for: 1) activities relating to the handling and assessment of this submission; and 2) publicity and reporting (if you win the competition).
- Language requirement: English is the language of instruction (except language specific programmes) at PolyU. To keep up with the teaching requirements, the student winners from non-PolyU Exchange Partners are expected to meet one of the following requirements:
- TOEFL score of 80 (internet-based); or
- IELTS overall score of 6.0; or
- JEE English [內地應屆高考(英文科)] of 110 (out of 150); or
- your English requirement can be waived if you have attained Grade C in GCSE / IGCSE / GCEOL English or Grade 4 in English at International Baccalaureate (IB).
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University reserves the right to change the terms stipulated herein without notice to applicants prior to the change.
Global Engagement Office
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Email: student.exchange@polyu.edu.hk