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URIS Information Session 2024/25

Hosted by the College of Undergraduate Researchers and Innovators (CURI), an information session was held on 1 March 2024 to introduce the prestigious Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme (URIS). The event had a significant turnout, with over 80 enthusiastic undergraduate students in attendance. URIS offers participants the opportunity to engage in well-rounded research training early in their second year of study, under the supervision of an experienced academic staff, for a duration of two years. During the session, the Head of CURI, Professor Cao Jiannong and Associate Head, Professor Horace Mui, presented attractive features and privileges of URIS. The session also included a Q&A section, providing participants with admissions tips,  updates on the selection criteria for the 2024/25 cohort, and exclusive funding opportunities under CURI. Mr Ivan Lin, a current PhD student from the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT), shared his firsthand experience after graduating from URIS. Towards the end of the event, the hosts also shared insights on CURI’s future roadmap for undergraduate research. The application deadline for URIS 2024/25 is 30 April 2024. Seize the opportunity to unleash your intellectual potential and join the vibrant undergraduate research community.   Learn about URIS:

1 Mar, 2024

Publishing workshop 3

Graduate School Transferable Skills Workshop Series – Publication Skills

On 1 February, the Graduate School (GS) organised a workshop in the transferable skills series with the Educational Development Centre (EDC) to enhance research students’ academic publishing skills. To gain visibility and credibility as a researcher, participants learnt about the key processes, considerations and common pitfalls of publishing peer-reviewed academic articles. To supplement, instructors introduced the use of AI tools to students to improve research efficiency and quality. Further, opportunities and challenges faced by early career researchers were also explored as preparatory insights. This workshop is the third in the series, following teaching skills and effective citations. By acquiring these skills, research students are equipped with value-adding skill sets to contribute research impacts in chosen fields and develop professional capabilities.

1 Feb, 2024


CURI Research Support Taster Programme

The College of Undergraduate Researchers and Innovators (CURI) collaborated with the Industrial Centre (IC) to organise a CURI Research Support Taster Programme on 4 - 23 January. The programme featured five workshops that engaged a total of 150 undergraduate researchers. These workshops provided an immersive and interactive learning experience, showcasing cutting-edge technologies and innovative concepts. Students had the opportunity to gain practical skills and hands-on experiences at PolyU’s state-of-the-art facilities. Step in the World of xR Workshop The workshop introduced students to the world of extended reality (xR), a rapidly emerging field. Held at the HiVE (Hybrid Immersive Virtual Environment), the workshop utilized CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) technology, offering a unique platform for practical and collaborative learning. Participants immersed themselves in 2D and 3D environments, enhancing their understanding of abstract concepts. Through virtual training, they acquired valuable skills applicable to real-life scenarios.   AIoT at Your Fingertips Workshop It focused on the convergence of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things (AIoT). Divided into two parts, the workshop began with an introduction to AI using Microsoft Azure's OpenAI service. Students explored various AI applications, such as image recognition and custom chatbot development. The second part provided an overview of IoT, guiding participants in building an IoT sensor node using a System-On-Chip (SoC). They learned to measure environmental variables, connect to the internet, and visualize data on a PC dashboard.   IE Maker Lab Fun Tour They offered the students a captivating tour of the IE Maker Lab. Through engaging activities, such as 3D scanning, 3D printing, laser cutting, and UV printing, participants experienced the creative and innovative aspects of the maker culture. The tour served as an inspiration, encouraging students to explore their own ideas and nurturing their curiosity.   Print out our Ideas Workshop The spotlight was the revolutionary technology of 3D printing. Students discovered the accessibility of 3D printers, enabling them to bring their ideas to life. They gained insights into the process of creating physical objects, expanding their knowledge of this transformative technology.   RoboFun Workshop This workshop culminated in a lively Robot Party on campus. Students had the opportunity to engage with humanoid and collaborative robots, participating in interactive conversations and playful activities, and exploring their remarkable capabilities. The workshop emphasized that no prior technical background was required—only curiosity and a willingness to connect with these fascinating machines.

25 Jan, 2024


Research Student Gathering – Feedback Exchange and Christmas Celebration

The Research Student Gathering held on 21 December 2023 was a delightful blend of Christmas festivities and meaningful exchanges on research study experiences. The event received an overwhelming number of registrations. Professor Louise Cummings, Associate Dean of the Graduate School, commenced the gathering by welcoming everyone and acknowledging students’ dedicated efforts throughout the past year. Students were also encouraged to be more proactive in their communication with their supervisors, academic departments, fellow students and the Graduate School. The gathering highlight was captured at the interactive game time when groups of students demonstrated their creativity, imagination and collaboration skills. Winning teams were presented with tokens of appreciation in the form of small gifts. Towards the end, there was a feedback exchange session where students shared their challenges and experiences, contributing to the ongoing enhancement of student support and development. Looking ahead, the Graduate School will continue to organise similar gatherings to strengthen mutual bonds. Research students are welcome to share perspectives and feedback with the Graduate School.

21 Dec, 2023


PolyU Best Research Postgraduate Student of the Year 2023

The Graduate School is delighted to announce the result of the PolyU Best Research Postgraduate Student of the Year 2023. The awardees have demonstrated excellent research and academic achievements during their studies. Congratulations to the award recipients and the honour is the recognition of their hard work to pursue advanced knowledge.

1 Dec, 2023


Graduate School Transferable Skills Workshop Series – Using EndNote for Citations in LaTeX/ Overleaf

Effective management of citations and references is vital for success in academic publishing. On 29 November, the Graduate School and the University Library co-organised a workshop focusing on citation and reference management using the industry-standard tool, EndNote. In the well-equipped learning lab at PolyU Library, participants gained valuable insights into harnessing the power of EndNote to efficiently prepare and export organised references to LaTeX (a document preparation system) or Overleaf (an online collaborative editor). The workshop also covered selecting citation styles, formatting references, and citing sources on both platforms. As a token of appreciation for the participants' dedication, light refreshments were provided towards the end of the workshop.

29 Nov, 2023


Application of PolyU’s Collaborative PhD Programmes 2024/25 Now Opens

PolyU Graduate School is committed to expanding students’ research and learning opportunities. In partnership with esteemed institutions, the collaborative PhD programmes aim to develop talents through collaborative research, innovation, and cultural exchanges. Full-time PhD students are offered a unique opportunity to access research and teaching expertise, resources and training at PolyU and one of our partner institutions through joint supervision. On 9 and 10 November 2023, two admission talks were organised exclusively for students from our partner institutions. Over 870 participants attended to explore research postgraduate studies of PolyU.Dual PhD Degree Programmes The Dual PhD Degree Programmes offer a holistic research postgraduate education in partnership with nearly 20 prestigious universities, including Queensland University of Technology, University of Technology Sydney, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Tongji University, Harbin Institute of Technology, and other academic institutions. Successful graduates will receive two award parchments each to be issued by PolyU and the partner institution.Collaborative PhD Training Programmes The Programmes cover partnerships with key research laboratories and emerging universities, including Eastern Institute for Technology, Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory. Successful graduates will receive a PhD degree from PolyU and a completion certificate from the partner institution.We encourage interested applicants to explore PolyU's collaborative PhD programmes with attractive admission scholarships and utilise this unique research and educational experience. Application Procedures and Videos:

27 Nov, 2023

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PolyU Graduate School Outstanding Research Postgraduate Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony

The PolyU Graduate School Outstanding Research Postgraduate Alumni Award Presentation Ceremony took place on 21 November, honouring three exceptional research postgraduate (RPg) alumni for their significant accomplishments. The ceremony recognised Professor Lu Weisheng Wilson and Dr Poon Chi-kin Lawrence with the Outstanding Research Postgraduate Alumni Award, while Dr Wang Lei Leo received the Outstanding Early Career Research Postgraduate Alumni Award. The PolyU Central Management Team, together with PolyU staff, students, alumni, and esteemed guests, gathered to witness this momentous presentation ceremony. The event also provided a platform for thought-provoking exchanges and valuable networking opportunities. Hailing from diverse backgrounds in academia, research, and innovation, the awardees showcased remarkable achievements in their career trajectories. The ceremony commenced with Professor Jiannong Cao, Dean of Graduate School, who emphasised the importance of fostering a strong RPg alumni community. Professor Jin-Guang Teng, President of PolyU, underscored the university's commitment to RPg education and its significant research performance and societal contributions. The award presentation was a highlight of the event, as each awardee shared invaluable insights gained from their research studies. Expressing profound gratitude to their alma mater, supervisors, family members, and supporters, they were each presented with a trophy by President Teng. In closing remarks, Professor Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation), extended heartfelt congratulations to all the awardees for their well-deserved recognition and inspiring contributions. He stressed that they serve as shining examples of the university motto, "To learn and to apply, for the benefit of mankind." Learn about the outstanding RPg alumni:

21 Nov, 2023


PolyU PhD Info Week 2023: Embark, Explore, Elevate and Engage

Acing the application for research studies requires thorough preparation. The Graduate School organised the PolyU PhD Info Week from 17 to 20 October 2023, gathering over 2,000 brilliant minds across the globe to navigate research studies. The event is specially designed with a progressing theme to equip prospective research study applicants with a deep understanding of research postgraduate education at PolyU.   Day One: Embark — PhD Info Session The week-long event began with a captivating PhD info session. Professor Christopher Chao, Vice President (Research and Innovation), showcased PolyU’s cutting-edge research infrastructures and its commitment to niche and interdisciplinary academic excellence in his opening remarks. Dean Jiannong Cao introduced PolyU’s holistic research studies, and its unique research support and opportunities available. Associate Dean Louise Cummings further explained the admission procedures. During the Q&A session, participants were offered practical guidance to set on the path of research and innovation.   Day Two: Explore — Discipline-specific Admission Talks This engaging online session featured nine faculties and schools, categorised into STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and non-STEM streams. Participants had the opportunity to consult academic representatives directly, seeking guidance on research and admission enquiries specific to their chosen disciplines. They also connected with potential supervisors to initiate the preparation of their research proposals early.   Day Three: Elevate — Navigating PhD at PolyU An exclusive on-campus info session was arranged for current PolyU students, including participants of the Undergraduate Research and Innovation Scheme (URIS). This ignites their interest in a seamless transition into research studies at PolyU. Professor Louise Cummings encouraged students to advance scholarly achievements and careers through research studies at PolyU. The session highlighted the extensive research and learning support, catering to academic, entrepreneurial, or industry-focused development. Participants received a comprehensive guidebook for research studies in the academic year 2024/25 to aid their understanding and the application process.   Day Four: Engage — Ace the HKPFS As session hosts, Dean Jiannong Cao and Professor Louise Cummings shared important tips and strategies with applicants of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) to maximise their chances of securing this prestigious scholarship. Participants also learnt from outstanding HKPFS awardees from India, the Middle East and Africa for first-hand application tips and insightful PhD student lives at PolyU. These awardees inspired participants to realise their research aspirations and exert societal impacts. Applying for the HKPFS through PolyU offers significant financial coverage, including a stipend of up to HK$1.32 million, a conference grant of up to HK$55,200, a cash award of up to HK$100,000, and a tuition fee waiver for the entire normal study period, alongside a guaranteed hall place for two years. The four-day PhD Info Week empowered applicants to pursue their research studies at PolyU. If you are ready to commence your exciting research study, start exploring research programmes and identifying potential supervisors today!   Relive the highlights:

7 Nov, 2023


Research Student Gathering – Welcoming New Students of the Dual PhD / Collaborative PhD Training Programme

The Research Student Gathering organised by the Graduate School on 25 October ended with applause, warmly welcoming new students of the Dual PhD and Collaborative PhD Training Programmes. The gathering series aims to facilitate ideas exchange and cultural interaction among research postgraduate students. This particular session also offered tailored information on postgraduate research studies for collaborative PhD programme students. With an enrollment of over 120 students in semester one of the academic year 2023/24, Dean Jiannong Cao conveyed his wishes in the event opening for the students embarking on the collaborative PhD programmes, wishing them an enriching journey of research studies. He also encouraged students to stay proactive, keeping abreast of changes and seizing opportunities. The collaborative PhD programmes present exceptional opportunities for student mobility and cross-cultural learning. Enrolled students have the privilege to conduct research under joint supervision at PolyU and partner universities, research laboratories and centres, or industries that share parallel strengths in specialised areas. Through collaborative research, students are able to amplify their innovative research, benefitting from the well-equipped research infrastructure and resources supported by PolyU and its partners. Empowered by the energising ice-breaking games, participating students were provided with tailored information on research postgraduate studies, traversing programme features, curriculum details, study milestones and requirements, and available student support and valuable tips. A dedicated Q&A session was also arranged to address personal enquiries. The event provided not only valuable insights but also a platform for new students of the programmes to forge connections while enjoying refreshments. It laid the foundation for a vibrant and collaborative academic environment, fostering the growth and success of these aspiring scholars.

25 Oct, 2023

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