Laurel Qi received her PhD degree in Management Information Systems at the School of Business, the University of Hong Kong in 2008. Her research areas cover IT outsourcing, social media, knowledge management, mobile computing, new technology adoption, AI and GenAI, Blockchain, E-Commerce, and IS pedagogical research, etc. She specializes in conducting quantitative and qualitative behavioral research. Before joining PolyU, she has been working in academia and business sectors (China and Hong Kong) for three years. She is now actively participating in journal and conference paper generations. Her research papers were published in the journals of Decision Support Systems (2013), Information Technology and People (2013 & 2015), Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce (2017), Behaviour & Information technology (2019), Journal of Educational Computing Research (2019), and Asian Pacific Journal of Information Systems (2023). Her works were also presented at the following important international conferences: AMCIS (2014 & 2024), CSCL (2015), PACIS (2016, 2017, 2019, & 2023), ALT (2017), ICCE (2017), CSIM (2018), ACIS (2019 & 2021) and more.