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復旦大學王祥榮教授主講「城市生態安全與綠色發展」講座 (只有英文版本)

On 9 December 2024, Prof. Xiangrong WANG, Director and Distinguished Professor, Centre for Urban Eco-Planning & Design, Fudan University, China, delivered an online Public Lecture titled “Urban Ecological Security and Green Development”. This lecture was co-organised by the Research Institute of Land and Space (RILS) and the Research Centre for Nature-based Urban Infrastructure Solutions (RNUS) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.In this lecture, Prof. WANG presented the ecological security assessment of international metropolises, including London, New York, Hong Kong, Shanghai and etc. He analyzed this topic through three key aspects: 1) Origin and connotation: Ecological security of metropolises from a global perspective; 2) Exploration and cognition: Low-carbon development model of international metropolises under climate change; 3) Paths and countermeasures: Paths and countermeasures of urban green development based on nature-based solutions model.The lecture included a fruitful Q&A session, allowing participants to share their insights on the topic. This interactive discussion fostered a rich exchange of ideas, enhancing the collective understanding of urban ecological security and green development.About Prof. Xiangrong WANG:Prof. Xiangrong WANG is currently the director and distinguished professor of the Centre for Urban Eco-Planning & Design of Fudan University in Shanghai China, the director of National Centre for Virtual Simulation of Environmental Science, Fudan University, and the Vice Chairman of Urban Ecological Commission of Ecological Society of China, Chief supervisor of Shanghai Ecological Society. In addition, he is the Chair of Environmental Science and Healthy City Division of Shanghai Municipal Construction Commission, and Counselor of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, the editorial members of some academic journals, such as the editor-in-chief of Journal of World Forestry (Hans Press, USA), vice editor-in-chief of Journal of China’s Urban Forestry, editors of Acta Ecological Sinica, Chinese Journal of Ecology, Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture, Journal of Environmental Science & Technology, etc, and reviewers of some International Journals such as Ecological Engineering, Landscape and Urban Planning, and JHM, JCP. etc. He also served as a regional vice-chair of East Asia, the IUCN Commission on Education and Communication during 2004-2012 and a steering member of INTECOL Association.  



RILS學者應邀出席 2024 年東南亞高等院校協會會議 (只有英文版本)

At the recent 2024 ASAIHL Conference (Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning) held at the Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia on 19-22 November 2024, Prof. George Zhizhao LIU, member of RILS and Professor of LSGI, was invited to present the Hong Kong (China)’s Region/Country Report at the conference. The theme of this year’s ASAIHL conference is “University’s Role in Advancing Climate Crises Reduction.” At the conference, Prof. LIU gave an invited talk titled “AI and Satellite Remote Sensing: the State-of-the-art Technology to Map the Most Abundant Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas –– Water Vapor”, which illustrated the importance of accurate water vapor observation in the climate change and extreme weather studies and showcased the research work conducted in Prof. LIU’s Micro-Laboratory of Atmospheric Research and Geomatics Engineering (Micro-LARGE) in the field of climate change. Water vapor, as the largest greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, plays a critically important role in climate change and extreme weather events. This might be against the orthodox opinion that usually believes the carbon dioxide (CO2) is the largest greenhouse gas. Water vapor accounts for approximately 50% atmospheric greenhouse gas, depending on the weather conditions. Nevertheless, the accurate observation of water vapor is still a global technical challenge. A large number of satellites have been launched, and many have the capability to observe water vapor at different wavelength channels. Unfortunately, the water vapor data accuracy of most of these satellite sensors is low and cannot meet the requirement for climate change and extreme weather studies. Prof. LIU’s Micro-LARGE Lab insightfully pinpointed this problem and has developed different AI-based novel algorithms to significantly improve the accuracy of water vapor observations of different satellite sensors. The Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL), founded in Bangkok, Thailand in 1956, is a non-governmental organization starting with eight state universities in Southeast Asia but now with university memberships extending to Europe, North America, Africa, and Oceania. ASAIHL’s purpose is to assist member institutions to strengthen themselves through mutual self-help and to achieve international distinction in teaching, research and public service.




第二屆國際大氣環境遙感學會年會在中國香港舉行。本次會議由國際大氣環境遙感學會和香港理工大學聯合主辦,香港理工大學土地測量及地理資訊學系和土地及空間研究院聯合承辦,同時獲得了香港理工大學建設及環境學院、香港理工大學內地發展處、蘇港澳高校合作聯盟、中國科學院空天資訊創新研究院、中國礦業大學等多所大學和機構的大力支持。 論壇聚焦「遙感技術及永續發展」主題,吸引了包括科研院所/高校學者、企事業代表等來自全球15個國家和地區的超260名代表參會交流,搭建了思維碰撞、產研相融的前沿對話平台,共同交流最新成果,推動大氣環境遙感產業發展。


20241205_WCFS 2024_RI

第四屆國際浮動解決方案會議成功召開 (只有英文版本)

The 4th International Conference on Floating Solutions (WCFS 2024) was held at The Jockey Club Innovation Tower of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) from 2 to 4 December 2024. The Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS) was the key co-organizer, together with Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE), Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD), Research Institute for Future Food (RiFOOD) of PolyU and Society of Floating Solutions (Singapore). WCFS 2024 was sponsored by The Construction Innovation and Technology Fund (CITF) with support from Hong Kong Government’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD), Civil Engineering and Development Department (CEDD), Drainage Services Department (DSD), and Marine Department, along with The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Structural Division. Prof. Xiao Lin ZHAO, Associate Director of RILS and Chair Professor of CEE, chaired the conference successfully.   WCFS 2024 attracted more than 220 participants from 18 countries. It brought international experts and leaders together to disseminate recent research and developments in floating solutions. The theme of WCFS 2024 was "Floating solutions for sustainable ocean development and blue economy". It is crucial to develop sustainable floating structure technology in Hong Kong to create innovative and resilient means to foster our city’s sustainable growth and enhance its livability with strategic significance not just for Hong Kong but also for other coastal megacities, addressing the mounting threat of sea level rises and overpopulation.     The conference was opened by Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU. The welcome session also featured a few esteemed speakers including Ir. Hon Harry MA, Deputy Director of CEDD, Mr. Mickey LAI, Director of AFCD, Dr. Stefan HUEBNER, President of the Society of Floating Solutions (Singapore), Mr. Maurits TER KUILE, Consul General of the Netherlands to Hong Kong and Macau. Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation) of PolyU, and Prof. Qingyan CHEN, Director of PAIR, also attended the Opening Ceremony. Prof. Xiaoli DING, Director of RILS, chaired the first keynote plenary session where presentations were delivered by Prof. Torgeir MOAN from The Norwegian University of Science and Technology on Lifecycle Integrity Management of Floating Systems and by Mr. Jacky WU, Head of Sustainable Lantau Office, CEDD, on Opportunities and Potential Use of Floating Structures in Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands Development. Another two keynote speakers were Prof. Chien-Ming WANG from The University of Queensland, Australia and Prof. Masashi KASHIWAGI from Hyundai Engineering & Construction, South Korea. In addition, 110 papers were presented at the conference together with two industry sessions featuring seven companies from The Netherlands. Best student paper awards were given to three students.   WCFS 2024 concluded with a technical tour to AFCD Floating Fish Farm at Tung Lung Chau and Sustainable Lantau Office - Tung Chung Community Liaison Centre (CLC).



第四屆水災減緩與水環境管理國際研討會暨第十四屆南海海嘯研討會成功舉行 (只有英文版本)

The 4th International Symposium of Water Disaster Mitigation and Water Environment Regulation cum the 14th South China Sea Tsunami Workshop were successfully held in Hong Kong from 29 November to 2 December 2024. This joint event was co-organized by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Sichuan University, Sun Yat-sen University, Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development (RISUD), Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS), and supported by IAHR-HK Chapter, IAHR-China Chapter and relevant government departments of Hong Kong SAR. The four-day event, themed "Coastal and Urban Resilience under Climate Change," brought together 208 participants from 21 countries and regions to explore five key topics: "Extreme Weather under Climate Change", "Water-related Disasters", "Infrastructure Resilience", "Hydro-environment and Eco-hydraulics", and "AI and IoT Applications". The event commenced with welcome addresses from Prof. Xiangdong LI (Dean of the Faculty of Construction and Environment, DoRISUD) and Prof. Xiaoli DING (DoRILS). A total of 43 plenary and keynote speeches were delivered by distinguished experts in hydraulic and environmental engineering. These insightful presentations fostered in-depth discussions on cutting-edge issues such as monitoring and forecasting extreme climate events, mitigating water-related hazards in the context of climate change, and enhancing water environment management. Valuable recommendations were provided for strengthening infrastructure resilience and integrating data science into water engineering practices. Additionally, the conference featured 73 oral presentations and 39 posters, showcasing the latest research and injecting fresh momentum into synergistic innovation and sustainable development in this field. This joint event offered fresh perspectives and innovative solutions for tackling climate change and enhancing coastal and urban resilience. It significantly bolstered international collaboration and innovation in water resource management and disaster prevention. We extend our heartful gratitude to all the speakers and participants for their active contributions, which were instrumental in making this event a resounding success towards global cooperation and innovation in water disaster mitigation, water environment management, and climate change adaptation.


20241114BannerProf George LIU Zhizhao appointed as Chief ScientistEN1


熱烈恭賀土地及空間研究及潘樂陶慈善基金智慧能源研究院成員兼土地測量及地理資訊學系副系主任(合作)劉志趙教授,獲委任中國氣象局氣象探測中心首席科學家。   劉教授為國際知名學者,專於地理資訊學研究及應用。其創立的Micro-LARGE實驗室(Micro-Laboratory of Atmospheric Research and Geomatics Engineering),多年來從事地理資訊學術研究及相關技術研發,為社會的重要發展作出莫大貢獻。當中包括針對全球定位系統/全球導航衛星系統的精密定位算法和數據質量分析、電離層閃爍監測和全電子含量三維建模、空間天氣對衛星導航和飛行操作的影響、大氣水汽監測和三維建模、衛星遙感水汽數據的反演和校準,以及數值天氣預報模型中大氣水汽數據同化的應用等。


20241104_RILS scholar co-authored study reveals summer meltwater storage in Greenland ice sheet_TC


土地及空間研究院核心成員、土地測量及地理資訊學系教授陳劍利教授,與國際研究團隊於《自然》期刊合作發表研究,揭示格陵蘭冰蓋內在夏季期間暫存了大量融水。   研究由南方科技大學副教授冉將軍博士領導進行。團隊首次利用定位數據來量化融水。研究員使用由格陵蘭島上數十個數據站組成的「格陵蘭全球定位系統網絡」收集所得的數據,以持續監測冰下基岩在融冰季節內不同時期的垂直位移。融水的質量是導致基岩向下移動的一個因素。團隊開發了一種創新方法,可根據融水質量來解釋偵測到的垂直移動。   格陵蘭冰蓋是目前導致全球海平面上升的最大因素。如果完全融化,有可能使平均海平面上升七米。這項研究為夏季融水在冰蓋內的移動和儲存機制提供了新視角,為應對地球上迫切的環境挑戰帶來重要發現。   閱讀更多:


20241030_Dr James FANG published an article

方家熙博士於報章撰文 分享理大海洋可持續發展研究工作

土地及空間研究院、食品科學及營養學系副教授方家熙博士,早前於《星島日報》教育版撰文,分享理大在海洋污染監測技術和海洋食品可持續性方面的研究工作。方博士於文中分享指,其團隊利用三維技術,監測珍珠貝礁對本地生物多樣性的影響,冀透過評估香港海洋污染情況,改善水質。此外,團隊亦與本地漁民在水產養殖技術方面合作,支持可持續漁業發展。   網上報導: 星島日報 -


20241014Prof Charles WongSTF

黃文聲教授獲智慧交通基金撥款 研究提升交通效率

理大建設及環境學院副院長及土地及空間研究院管理委員會成員黃文聲教授,獲智慧交通基金資助港幣530多萬,支持其「公共交通路線規劃的研究:以健康 『等待—乘車』出行模式優化公共交通路線及改善交通擠塞」項目。   該項目旨在對公共交通路線和站點進行分析研究,建構多維時空數據庫,為線路重複、公共交通服務過度地區提供重新規劃路綫建議,以舒緩路面交通擠塞問題及提高整體道路網絡使用效率。   閱讀更多:   網上報導: Mirage News - (只有英文)


20241002Prof Jianli CHEN elected as AGU Fellow

陳劍利教授當選美國地球物理聯合會會士 (只有英文版本)

Prof. Jianli CHEN, Professor in the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics and core member of RILS, has been elected as an American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fellow. Prior to joining PolyU under the Strategic Hiring Scheme in 2022, Prof. CHEN dedicated 28 years of his academic career to the University of Texas at Austin. He is a world-renowned expert in space geodesy and its applications in Earth sciences. In 2005, he received the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor in the United States for early career scientists and engineers, making him the first recipient in the field of geodesy.   Prof. CHEN joins a prestigious group of 53 individuals in the 2024 Class of AGU Fellows. The American Geophysical Union (AGU), the world's largest Earth and space science association, annually bestows this distinguished honor on a select number of individuals who have made exceptional contributions to their fields. Since its inception in 1962, less than 0.1% of AGU members have been selected as Fellows each year.   AGU Fellows are recognized for their scientific eminence, demonstrated through breakthroughs, discoveries, or innovations that advance Earth and space sciences. They also serve as external experts, advising government agencies and other organizations upon request. Prof. CHEN was selected for his exemplary leadership and outstanding scientific achievements, which have significantly advanced our understanding of space geodesy and global climate change.   Honorees will be recognized at AGU24, which will convene more than 25,000 attendees from over 100 countries in Washington, D.C., and online from December 9-13, 2024. Reflecting the theme 'What's Next for Science,' the Honors Reception will celebrate groundbreaking achievements that illustrate the continual advancement of science, inspiring the AGU community with their stories and successes.


