In Hong Kong, myopia among children is a pressing concern, particularly for those aged 6 to 12, who are in the critical window for intervention. In response to this challenge, the School of Optometry of PolyU and ZEISS Vision Care (ZEISS) have announced a collaborative initiative to launch the ZEISS MyoCare Myopia Control Spectacle Lenses (ZEISS MyoCare Lenses). These innovative lenses incorporate PolyU’s cutting-edge Defocus Incorporated Soft Contact (DISC) technology, marking a significant advancement in myopia management.


Cutting-edge technology with proven effectiveness

The ZEISS MyoCare Lenses utilise PolyU’s patented DISC technology, which ingeniously combines specialised optical microstructures with general refractive myopia correction. These two optical structures are alternately arranged on the lens surface. While the corrective area projects a clear image onto the retina, the optical microstructures create a “forward optical defocus” signal in front of the retina. This signal leverages the eye’s natural emmetropisation feedback mechanism to guide eye growth and slow axial elongation in myopic patients.


This non-invasive technology has undergone rigorous testing, demonstrating its safety and efficacy without significant side effects. Additionally, the lenses incorporate ZEISS’s patented C.A.R.E.® technology, which effectively decelerates the rate of myopia progression by 48% to 63% and diminishes axial length increase by 41% to 77%. These lenses offer wearers clear vision at all viewing distances and directions, while being highly adaptable. Over 95% of child wearers able to adapt to the lenses within three days.


Research has confirmed that genetic factors, such as having myopic parents, increase a child’s risk of developing myopia. However, a 12-month clinical study demonstrated that ZEISS MyoCare Lenses can effectively slow myopia progression compared to regular single vision lenses, even in children with myopic parents who are at higher risk. This suggests that these lenses can help mitigate the increased risk of myopia development in children of myopic parents, potentially interrupting the generational cycle of worsening myopia.


The collaboration between PolyU and ZEISS exemplifies the synergy of academic and industry expertise, offering a promising solution to protect and improve children's vision on a global scale.


The photo shows a press conference held by PolyU and ZEISS to announce their collaboration on myopia research and development, attended by researchers and senior members of PolyU and ZEISS.

The photo shows a press conference held by PolyU and ZEISS to announce their collaboration on myopia research and development, attended by researchers and senior members of PolyU and ZEISS.