Summer is not only a great time for students to relax but also an excellent opportunity to gain exceptional learning experiences and meet new friends from around the world! PolyU’s colourful summer programmes offer young students the opportunity to unlock their potential and gear up for bright futures.


PolyU organised a range of programmes targeting students of different study levels, from high school to postgraduate school. All these programmes provided local and overseas participants with cherished memories of PolyU and Hong Kong.


This year, the PolyU International Summer School attracted over 400 undergraduates from 20 countries and regions to join this one-month programme. Besides local tours and workshops to experience Hong Kong culture, students delved into credit-bearing courses covering a wide range of topics from Chinese culture, design, and technology to entrepreneurship and leadership, including the subject “Tomorrow’s Leaders”, which has won the QS Reimagine Education Awards and UGC Teaching Award. Students from across borders embarked on an incredible learning and cultural exchange journey.


For high school students, PolyU also offers two engaging summer programmes. The PolyU Summer Institute, now in its second year, welcome over 250 students from 12 countries and regions. Through a five-day residential camp, participants immersed themselves in various attachment programmes. Local students had the opportunity to experience PolyU’s signature Service-Learning programme, contributing to communities in need. International students explored Hong Kong’s cultural landmarks through local tours. Additionally, some students opted for a week-long, credit-bearing “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” course to cultivate an innovative mindset.


The Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme, in its fourth year, aimed to ignite a passion for research in high school students, providing them with invaluable opportunities to engage in diverse research projects under the guidance of PolyU academics. A record 180 students from 58 local and international secondary schools participated this year, conducting 30 diverse research projects supported by 70 academics from various faculties, schools and departments.


Lastly, the PolyU International Research Summer School was dedicated to young individuals considering research degree programmes at PolyU. Over 50 students from more than ten countries and regions experienced PolyU campus life by visiting research facilities and gaining insight into PhD studies through engaging in interdisciplinary exchanges lasting two weeks. Participants had the exceptional opportunity to meet potential supervisors, explore research areas beyond their fields, and broaden their networks by attending research-related seminars and workshops.