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Dr Ya-Yen Sun Research Seminar

Research Seminar delivered by Dr. Ya-Yen Sun

On 6 June 2024, Dr Ya-Yen Sun, Associate Professor at the School of Business, The University of Queensland (UQ), delivered an insightful research seminar on "Decarbonizing Tourism: A Macroeconomic Framework for Tracking Progress and Allocating Responsibilities" to faculty members from SHTM and RCDTT, as well as our PhD students. The seminar emphasized the urgent need for information to track sectoral carbon emissions and identify areas requiring policy interventions in the context of rapidly decarbonizing tourism. Dr Sun presented a macroeconomic framework capable of tracking and benchmarking tourism mitigation progress against net-zero milestones, using the case study of Australia to illustrate the current status and areas for improvement. The seminar also highlighted the allocation of responsibility for emissions mitigation across various stakeholders, providing a holistic approach for all tourism stakeholders. The interactive Q&A session during the seminar further enriched the discussion, making it a truly insightful event. We express our sincere gratitude to Dr Sun for delivering the enlightening research seminar and to Dr Dan Wang, Associate Professor of the SHTM & Associate Director of the RCDTT, for chairing the seminar. We eagerly anticipate more engaging sessions in the future.

6 Jun, 2024


RCDTT Members’ Participation in the FB-SHTM Joint Symposium

The FB-SHTM Joint Symposium, which took place on 4 Jun 2024, was held successfully with the participation of our RCDTT members. The symposium brought members and students from the Faculty of Business and the School of Hotel and Tourism Management together to explore the intersection of business and hospitality, in line with the theme of exploring "New Research Frontier in the Service Industry". The symposium commenced with an inspiring opening remark from Prof. Kaye Chon, Dean and Chair Professor of the SHTM, setting a high standard for the day's discussions. Prof. Song Haiyan, Associate Dean and Chair Professor of the SHTM, Director of RCDTT, and Dr. Ren Li, Assistant Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing, skillfully moderated the morning and afternoon sessions, guiding the dialogue and ensuring a seamless exchange of ideas. The Symposium was concluded by Prof. Chi Nien Chung, Chair Professor of Strategic and Organization Management, and Associate Dean (Research and Postgraduate Studies) of the Department of Management and Marketing, with inspiring closing remarks. The symposium featured a series of engaging presentations and discussions, providing a platform for in-depth conversation and knowledge exchange. Participants had the opportunity to gain valuable insights of the latest trends and challenges in the business and hospitality sectors, as well as to network with peers and experts in the field. Our RCDTT members, including Dr. Richard Qiu, Dr. Anyu Liu, Prof. Mimi Li, and Dr. Neil Li, also delivered insightful presentations that have significantly enriched the symposium. Thank you to everyone who participated in making this joint symposium a resounding success. We are already looking forward to the next edition and the future collaboration between different faculties.

4 Jun, 2024

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Big Congratulations to Our RCDTT Grant Awardees!

We're excited to share the awardees of the RCDTT Grant. These teams are at the forefront of integrating digital technology into the tourism industry to develop innovative and sustainable solutions. Let's celebrate their achievements and look forward to the positive impacts their research will bring to us! Name Project Title PI: Prof. Fu Xiaowen Co-I: Prof. Tsui Wai Hong Kan, Dr. Qiu Richard Tianran, Dr Chen Tiantian Digital Transformation, Tourist Privacy and Experience Modelling - AI-assisted prediction and optimization model for personalized tourism services PI: Prof. Hsu Cathy Hui-Chun Co-I: Dr Yang Tong, Prof. Stantic Bela Dual-role host-guest interactive gaze: Resident and tourist sentiment in an interaction perspective using big data analytics PI: Prof. Li Mimi Co-I: Dr Wang Dan, Prof. Cao Jiannong, Dr Hu Bin, Prof. Yao Cheng A Multi-modal Generative AI-Driven Interactive Tour Guides Interpretation System for Historical Landmarks and Museums PI: Dr Li Ming Co-I: Prof. Huang George Q., Dr Liu Anyu, Dr Zhao Zhiheng TouristESG: A blockchain-based tourist data sharing platform for ESG certification PI: Dr QIU Richard Tianran Co-I: Dr JIAO Xiaoying, Dr ZHANG Hanyuan, Prof. LI Gang, Prof. WU Doris Chenguang, Prof. WANG Yafei, Dr WENG Chunfei The assessment and monitoring of sustainability impact of tourism: An extension from tourism demand forecasting PI: Dr Xu Yang Co-I: Dr Li Hengyun Neil, Dr Zhao Zhan Advance the modeling of tourist intra-urban destination choice: Crowdsourced data fusion and development of discrete choice models

22 May, 2024

Collaboration Intention  Between RCDTT and YUNji Technology

The Collaboration intention between RCDTT and Yunji Technology

On May 9 2024, Prof. Song Haiyan (RCDTT director), Prof. Mimi Li (RCDTT Associate Director) and Dr Wang Dan (RCDTT Associate Director) are invited to visit Yunji Technology Beijing Headquarters to discuss the digital transformation of the hospitality and tourism industry in mainland China and Hong Kong with ZHI Tao, CEO & Founder of Yunji Technology and Zhang Xingguo, Chairman of the Digital Special Committee of China Hotel Association. During the visit, RCDTT signed a cooperation intention with Yunji Technology, with the aim of leveraging our respective academic, technical research, and industrial application advantages in the field of AI + robot. The collaboration is intended to promote application development through exchange and cooperation. Yunji Technology, as a pioneer in the field of AI + robot services, has always emphasized the importance of the integrating production, education, and research. The company not only operates dual academician workstations in the industry but also contributes to the development of over 20 national and group standards. In 2023, the company collaborated with experts, scholars, and technical elites from well-known local and international universities and enterprises to establish a digital research institute aimed at advancing the development and application of large model technology in the hotel industry. AI + robot services not only enhance service efficiency but also demonstrate significant potential in personalized experiences, digital analysis, and operational optimization. They have emerged as a new driving force for innovation in the hospitality and tourism industry, and this innovative technology is gradually expanding to the Hong Kong market. During the discussion, Zhi Tao pointed out that the digitalization of the hotel industry in mainland China has entered a critical stage, the AI + robot service of Yunji Technology is expected to bring a more far-reaching impact to the industry. Prof. Song highly recognized the development strategy and AI + robot service products of Yunji Technology, and looked forward to collaborating with Yunji Technology on one of the important projects of RCDTT - "Improving business operation efficiency and consumer experience using AI and robotics". We wish the collaboration can further promote the use of service robotics and to bring about new changes in the hospitality and tourism industry in Hong Kong.

10 May, 2024


RCDTT members visit Aerosim (HK) Ltd. for Potential Research Collaboration

We are excited to share the latest development from the Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism (RCDTT). Recently, our RCDTT members had the opportunity to visiting Aerosim and the Hong Kong Science Park (HKSTP) to explore potential areas of collaboration that align with our research interests and expertise. Aerosim, located in the Hong Kong Science Park (HKSTP), has a strong history of collaborating with universities worldwide to develop innovative education and research projects in the field of aviation simulation. During our discussions, we engaged in a fruitful exchange of ideas, exploring various areas of potential research collaboration. We discovered a number of synergies between our two organizations, which hold great promise for future initiatives. We also had the chance to experience Aerosim's cutting-edge technologies, such as the Console 40 and FIS System.  We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Mattis Tsang, Aerosim's Managing Director, and his colleagues for their warm hospitality and insightful discussions. Their expertise and insights have inspired us, and we are grateful for their openness to explore collaboration opportunities with us. We will share more details about the future development of this partnership.

23 Apr, 2024

RCdTT celebrates official launch at inauguration ceremony_2000 x 1050

RCDTT celebrates official launch at inauguration ceremony

The inauguration ceremony of the Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism (RCDTT) was successfully held on 19 February 2024. The plaque unveiling ceremony was held with the presence of officiating guests, including Prof. Gang LI, Professor of Tourism Economics and Director of the Centre for Competitiveness of the Visitor Economy, University of Surrey, UK; Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, PolyU President; Prof. Christopher CHAO, Vice President (Research and Innovation); Prof. Qingyan CHEN, Director of PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research; Prof. Kaye CHON, Dean of School of Hotel and Tourism Management (SHTM); Ms Monica LEE-MULLER, Vice Chairman of SHTM Industry Advisory Committee; Prof. Haiyan SONG, Director of RCDTT; Prof. LI Qing, Co-Director of RCDTT; as well as Dr Dan WANG, Prof. Mimi LI and Prof. Dan WANG, Associate Directors of RCDTT. The RCDTT was established under PAIR to lead interdisciplinary research on optimising travel experiences and achieving environmental and business sustainability through digitally transforming tourism and related businesses. The inauguration of RCDTT marks PolyU’s stepped-up efforts in driving hospitality and tourism research and propelling the travel industry towards a “digital future”. We look forward to many exciting and impactful research outcomes from the Centre! Watch now:

19 Feb, 2024


Establishment of Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism

The PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) is pleased to announce the establishment of the Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism (RCDTT) as a new constituent unit of PAIR on 1 January 2024. RCDTT aims to lead research on optimising travel experiences and achieving environmental and business sustainability by digitally transforming tourism and related businesses with a ultimate goal of improving the lives and well-beings of global citizens. The Director of RCDTT is Prof. SONG Haiyan, Associate Dean and Chair Professor, and Mr and Mrs Chan Chuk Fu Professor in International Tourism at the School of Hotel and Tourism Management. The Co-Director is Prof. LI Qing, who serves as the Head of the Department of Computing and Chair Professor of Data Science. RCDTT pursues research in strategic areas, and forges close relationships with key stakeholders including industry, academic institutions, government offices and international organisations to promote good practices in tourism. RCDTT’s missions and research focus areas include: Digital Transformation: Development of digital monitoring system for tourism and hospitality; and AI-driven business and experience innovations Interdisciplinary Researches: Re-shape tourism and hospitality business operations, destination governance, and international collaborations for inbound and outbound tourism RCDTT Management Team Name and Post Title Concurrent Appointment in RCDTT Prof. SONG Haiyan Associate Dean and Chair Professor of Tourism of the School of Hotel and Tourism Management Director of the Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism Prof. LI Qing Head and Chair Professor of Data Science of the Department of Computing Co-Director of the Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism Dr WANG Dan Associate Professor in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management Associate Director of the Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism Prof. LI Mimi Professor in the School of Hotel and Tourism Management Associate Director of the Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism Prof. WANG Dan Professor of the Department of Computing Associate Director of the Research Centre for Digital Transformation of Tourism    

2 Jan, 2024

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