
Disability and work-related attitudes in employers from Beijing, Chicago, and Hong Kong

Author: Corrigan, P. W., Kuwabara, S., Tsang, H., Shi, K., Larson, J., Lam, C. S., et al.

Journal: International Journal of Rehabilitation Research

Employers are primary and necessary agents in the return of people with disabilities to the work force. In this study, employment attitudes about two key constructs for vocational rehabilitation are examined: hiring the person with a disability and accommodating the person with disabilities at work. One hundred employers from Beijing, Honk Kong, and Chicago were surveyed regarding their attitudes. Results showed employers from Beijing were less likely to endorse hiring people with disabilities compared with those from Chicago and Hong Kong. In addition, people with psychiatric disabilities were less likely to be hired compared with those with physical disabilities. No clear pattern by city emerged for accommodations. Reasons why this pattern of attitudes emerged are discussed. Implications of these findings for attitude change are also considered.


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