
- 《康復專家的超簡單身心調適法》

- 《減壓》
Training Module
Assessment Tools
 Assessment of Interpersonal Problem Solving Skills (Chinese Translated Version)
 Attitudes towards Conventional Depot Antipsychotics Questionnaire (ACDAQ)
 Perceived Benefit Questionnaire
 Perceived Rehabilitation Needs Questionnaire – Schizophrenia (PRNQ – S) |
 Psychosocial Treatment Compliance Scale (PTCS) |
 Questionnaire on Public Attitudes Towards Mental Illness |
 The Chinese Version of Perceive Family Burden Scale |
 The Chinese General Self-Efficacy Scale |
 The Chinese Version of Relative Assessment Interview |
 The Chinese Version of Self-Stigma of Mental Illness Scale (CSSMIS) |
 The Chinese Version of the Becker Work Adjustment Profile |
 The Chinese Version of Indiana Job Satisfaction Scale (CV – IJSS) |
The Chinese Version of the Significant Others Scale |
Vocational Social Skills Scale (VSSS) |
Workshop Behavior Checklist |
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