Work Related Social Skills Training (WSST)

Work Related Social Skills Training Module

Work Related Social Skills Training Module

Details: Manual and Annex of the Work Related Social Skills Training program
Price: USD60 ( HKD480 )
Tsang, H. W. H., Fung, K. M. T., Leung, A. Y., Li, S. M. Y., & Cheung, W. M. Three year follow-up study of an integrated supported employment for individuals with severe mental illness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(1), 49-58.

Tsang, H. W. H., & Pearson, V. (2001). Work-related social skills training for people with schizophrenia in Hong Kong.Schizophrenia Bulletin, 27(1), 139-148.

Tsang, H. W. H., & Pearson, V. (1996). A conceptual framework for work-related social skills in psychiatric rehabilitation. Journal of Rehabilitation, 62(3), 61-67.

*All oversea purchases will be subjected to an additional USD30 for postage.

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