
Ongoing Research

Growth 2: Effective Learning and Teaching of Chinese and Smooth Transition for Multicultural students

Funding Agency: Education Bureau
Investigator Relationship: Co-Investigator
Funding Dates: 2019-2022

Development of a normative ability database for people with movement disorders and their healthy counterparts of Asian ethnicity: a feasibility study

Funding Agency: Departmental Research Grant  
Investigator Relationship: Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2019-2021

Study on psychosocial health and its application to people with disabilities and frail older adults

Funding Agency: Endowed Professorship Scheme of PolyU
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2018-2023

Review of Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan

Funding Agency: HKSAR Government
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2018 – 2020

Research theme on “Improving Health via Technology and Science for osteoarthritis-related pain and depression in older adults”

Funding Agency: Donation
Investigator Relationship: Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2018 – 2021

From prevention to community integration: Service models, intervention strategies, and outcome evaluation for recovery from severe mental illness in Chinese communities (Hong Kong and Beijing)

Funding Agency: Departmental Research Grant, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2017 – Present

 Completed Research

A study on international benchmarking of occupational and physiotherapy

Funding Agency: Dean’s reserve
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2017 – 2019

Provisional study to investigate the efficacy and effectiveness of Aromatherapy for the management of BPSD and chronic pain provided by Po Leung Kuk (PLK)

Funding Agency: Social Welfare Development Fund, HKSAR Government via Po Leung KuK
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2017 – 2018

Facilitating transition to primary schools of NCS students: Coping with challenges of foreign language anxiety in learning Chinese, social integration and social participation (幼小銜接無障礙, 社會共融創高峰)

Funding Agency: Quality Education Fund
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2016 – 2018
Project Details: CLICK HERE

Bio-psycho-social pathways underlying the effects of qigong among comorbid depressed elderly with chronic conditions

Funding Agency: Fujian Province Technology Fund
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2015 – 2018


Funding Agency: Fujian Province Technology Fund
Investigator Relationship: Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2015 – 2017

Vocational and Clinical Outcomes of Integrated Supported Employment for People with Psychosis in Wuxi Region (無錫地區精神病人綜合性支持性就業的效果研究)

Funding Agency: 無錫市醫院管理中心
Investigator Relationship: Co-Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2012 – 2014

Promoting Healthy Lifestyle and Biopsychosocial Wellness of Teachers in Hong Kong

Funding Agency: Quality Education Fund
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2011 – 2014

Vocational and clinical outcomes of Integrated Supported Employment (ISE) plus Cognitive Remediation Training (CRT) for people with schizophrenia

Funding Agency: Health and Health Services Research Grant, Health and Food Bureau, HKSAR
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2010 – 2013

Effects of Health Qigong among the Frail Elderly in Residential Care Homes and Day Care Centres for the Elderly in Yan Chai Hospital, Social Services Department (YCHSSD)Completed Research

Funding Agency: Yan Chai Hospital, Social Services Department
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2011 – 2013

Stress Management and Mental Health Promotion for Teachers in Hong Kong(教師壓力與精神健康推廣計劃)

Funding Agency: Quality Education Fund
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2009 – 2011

Psycho-physical and Neuroendocrine effects of qigong exercise program on depressed elderly with chronic medical illness

Funding Agency: Niche Area Grant, the Hong Kong Polytechnic Univsersity
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2007 – 2009
Research Outcome:
Tsang, H. W. H., Tsang, W. W. N., Jones, A. Y. M., Fung, K. M. T., Chan, A. H. L., Chan, E. P., et al. Psycho-physical and neurophysiological effects of qigong on depressed elders with chronic illness. Aging & Mental Health, 17(3), 336-348.

Rehabilitation Needs of People with Schizophrenia and their Caregiver in Hong Kong: Implications for Public Policy

Funding Agency: Research Grants Council (Public Policy Research)
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2007 – 2009
Research Outcome:
Tsang, H. W. H., Li, D., Tsui, M. C. M., Chung, R. C. K., Wong, A. H. H., Li, S. M. Y., et al. The Perceived Rehabilitation Needs of People with Schizophrenia in Hong Kong: Perspectives from Consumers and Care-givers. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 40(3), 179-189.

Stages of Change, Self-stigma, and Treatment Compliance Among Chinese Adults with Severe Mental Illness

Funding Agency: Health and Health Services Research Fund (Health, Welfare and Food Bureau)
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2007 – 2008
Research Outcome:
Fung, K. M. T., Tsang, H. W. H., & Cheung, W. M. Randomized controlled trial of the self-stigma reduction program among individuals with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research, 189(2), 208-214.

Tsang, H. W. H., Li, D., Tsui, M. C. M., Chung, R. C. K., Wong, A. H. H., Li, S. M. Y., et al. The Perceived Rehabilitation Needs of People with Schizophrenia in Hong Kong: Perspectives from Consumers and Care-givers. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 40(3), 179-189.

A three year follow-up study of supported employment and traditional vocational rehabilitation for individuals with severe mental illness

Funding Agency: Health and Health Services Research Fund (Health, Welfare and Food Bureau)
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2005 – 2007
Research Outcome:
Tsang, H. W. H., Fung, K. M. T., Leung, A. Y., Li, S. M. Y., & Cheung, W. M. Three year follow-up study of an integrated supported employment for individuals with severe mental illness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 44(1), 49-58.

Tsang, H. W. H., Chan, A., Wong, A., & Liberman, R. P. (2009). Vocational outcomes of an integrated supported employment program for individuals with persistent and severe mental illness. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 40(2), 292-305.

Chan, A. S. M., Tsang, H. W. H., & Li, S. M. Y. (2009). Case Report of Integrated Supported Employment for a Person With Severe Mental Illness. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(3), 238-244.

Stigma and Behavioral Health in Urban Employers from China and USA
(in collaboration with Chicago Consortium for Stigma Research; Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Beijing Normal University)

Funding Agency: National Institutes of Health, USA
Investigator Relationship: Co-Investigator
Funding Dates: 2003 – 2008
Research Outcome:
Corrigan, P. W., Kuwabara, S., Tsang, H., Shi, K., Larson, J., Lam, C. S., et al. (2008). Disability and work-related attitudes in employers from Beijing, Chicago, and Hong Kong. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 31(4), 347-350.

Tsang, H. W. H., Angell, B., Corrigan, P. W., Lee, Y. T., Shi, K., Lam, C. S., et al. (2007). A cross-cultural study of employers’ concerns about hiring people with psychotic disorder: implications for recovery. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 42(9), 723-733.

Enhancing employment opportunities of people with mental illness through an integrated supported employment approach (ISE) of individual placement and support (IPS) and social skills training (SST)

Funding Agency: Health and Health Services Research Fund (Health, Welfare and Food Bureau)
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2002 – 2004
Research Outcome:
Mak, D. C. S., Tsang, H. W. H., & Cheung, L. C. C. (2006). Job Termination Among Individuals with Severe Mental Illness Participating in a Supported Employment Program. Psychiatry: Interpersonal & Biological Processes, 69(3), 239-248.

Cheung, L. C. C., Tsui, C. U., & Tsang, H. W. H. (2006). A job-specific social skills training program for people with severe mental illness: A case study for those who plan to be a security guard. Journal of Rehabilitation, 72(4), 14-23.

Cheung, L. C. C., & Tsang, H. W. H. (2005). Factor structure of essential social skills to be salespersons in retail market: implications for psychiatric rehabilitation. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 36(4), 265-280.

Development and validation of the Chinese Job Satisfaction Scale for individuals with mental illness

Funding Agency: Departmental Research Grant, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 2002 – 2003
Research Outcome:
Tsang, H. W. H., & Wong, A. (2005). Development and validation of the Chinese version of Indiana Job Satisfaction Scale (CV-IJSS) for people with mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 51(2), 177-191.

The effect of qigong on mood and psychosocial well being of elderly with physical illnesses in Hong Kong

Funding Agency: Area of Strategic Development Grant, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Investigator Relationship: Project Leader (Principal Investigator: Professor C. Hui Chan)
Funding Dates: 2001 – 2002
Research Outcome:
Tsang, H. W. H., Mok, C. K., Au Yeung, Y. T., & Chan, S. Y. C. (2003). The effect of Qigong on general and psychosocial health of elderly with chronic physical illnesses: a randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18(5), 441-449.

On-line job information system to improve employability of persons with mental illness in Hong Kong

Funding Agency: Central Competitive Grant, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 1999 – 2001

Family Intervention for psychiatric patients with forensic background

Funding Agency: Health Services Research Fund Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 1999 – 2001
Research Outcome:
Pearson, V., & Tsang, H. W. H. (2004). Duty, burden, and ambivalence: Families of forensic psychiatric patients in Hong Kong. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 27(4), 361-374.

Predicting rehabilitation outcome in a psychiatric hospital in Hong Kong

Funding Agency: Departmental Research Grant, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 1998 – 2000

Revising and updating the workshop behavior checklist for use by occupational therapists in the psychiatric settings

Funding Agency: Health Services Research Fund (Health, Welfare and Food Bureau)
Investigator Relationship: Principal Investigator
Funding Dates: 1995 – 1997
Research Outcome:
Tsang, H., & Chiu, I. Y. (2000). Development and validation of the workshop behavior checklist: A scale for assessing work performance of people with severe mental illness. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 46(2), 110-121.