
Measuring perceived rehabilitation needs of people with schizophrenia in Mainland China

Author: Li, D., Tsui, M. C. M., Yuan, G., Zhang, G., & Tsang, H. W. H.

Journal: Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research

This paper reports the development and validation of the Wuxi version of the Rehabilitation Needs Questionnaire for People with Schizophrenia (PRNQ-S-WX) based on the original Hong Kong version. PRNQ-S-WX was validated by exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using a convenience sample of 250 people with schizophrenia. EFA yielded a 17-factor solution accounting for 81.3 % of the total variance which resulted in a 75-item PRNQ-S-WX. The questionnaire has sound internal consistencies. Its factor structure is similar to the Hong Kong version. Some suggestions for policy, service and research development in mental health in mainland China are made.


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