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                                                                                                        South Asian


          Non-local Student Association   <IG> @polyusao_sas -

     Whether you are a South Asian looking for a home away from           無論您是尋找家外之家的南亞同學,還是想學習和體驗南亞
     home or are simply interested in learning and experiencing           文化的本地或非本地同學,南亞學生會(SAS) 都是您的理想
     the beautiful culture of one of the most vibrant communities         之選!南亞文化是地球上最具活力最美麗的文化之一,SAS旨
     on this planet, the South Asian Society is the place for you.        在將南亞的精髓帶到理大,為你的大學生活增添點點趣味。
     You’ll be a part of numerous entertaining activities that will
     enrich your PolyU experience and bring you closer to your            我們準備了許多內容豐富且有趣的活動,快來加入我們,一起
     South Asian roots.                                                   慶祝我們的傳統及結交新朋友,體驗南亞的熱情!

     SAS aims to bring the essence of South Asia to PolyU and add
     a little “spice” to your university life. Come join us to celebrate
     our traditions, make new friends and experience the warm
     embrace of South Asia.

                               LIFE                                                                                                    18
            校園祭 FESTIVAL
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