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 學生協會                                                                                                 國際學生會

 Chinese                                                                                             International

 Mainland                                                                                                           Student

 Student                                                                                                 Association
 Association                                                                                                               (ISA)


          Non-local Student Association   <IG> @polyusao_isa - 

     We here at the International Student Association promote            國際學生會 (ISA) 通過各種活動分享國際文化,以提高理大學
     global awareness amongst PolyU students by sharing interna-         生的全球意識。更重要的是,我們努力促進本地和非本地學生
     tional cultures through various cultural activities. More impor-    的融合,讓不同種族、專業和興趣的學生成為好朋友。ISA全年
     tantly, we promote integration between local and non-local          舉行充滿各種有趣的活動,例如國際晚會、徒步旅行、休閒旅行
     students, developing ties between students from di erent            和運動日等,也有各種國際比賽和遊戲。
     ethnicities, majors, and interests.
     Speci cally, we hope to enhance non-local students’ aware-          和生活方式的認識。十分歡迎您加入我們!ISA保證會為您帶來
     ness of Hong Kong’s culture and lifestyle with the help of local    充滿樂趣的多元文化之旅。
     students! ISA conducts energy- lled events throughout the
     year, like International Gala Night, Hiking trips, recreational
     trips, and sports days including games from around the globe.
     We welcome you to join us in this fun- lled multicultural
     journey brought to you by the International Student Associa-

                               LIFE                                                                                                    15
            校園祭 FESTIVAL
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