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理大劇社                                                                                                        理大舞社

 Drama                                                                                                               Dance

 Club                                                                                                           Society

         Performing Arts Division            <IG> @novah2223 -   

    Joining Dance Society is a great chance to experience various        在舞蹈學會,您可以體驗到不同的舞蹈風格和文化,亦可以結
    dance styles and cultures as well as meeting lots of like-mind-      識到志同道合的朋友!我們全年的活動無休止,例如大學聯校
    ed people! Our events are coming one by one in the near              舞蹈表演、大學聯校齊舞比賽、年度匯演、舞蹈興趣班等。快點
    future~ For instance, Joint-U Mass Dance, Inter-Varsity Dance        加入我們一起參加活動吧!
    Competition, Annual Performance, and Dancing Interest
    Courses etc. Come and join us now!                                   想了解我們多一點就要follow我們的Instagram@novah����

    Don’t forget to check out and follow our Instagram
    @novah2223 for more information!

                              LIFE                                                                                                     13
            校園祭 FESTIVAL
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