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         Performing Arts Division       <IG>@polyudramsoc -

    This year marks the 50th anniversary of Drama Club. Through-         理大劇社於本年踏入五十週年。多年來,我們凝聚了一群熱愛
    out the years, we have gathered a group of students who are          戲劇的同學,透過籌備戲劇製作及舉行不同的戲劇活動,如戲
    passionate about drama. Through organising drama produc-             劇導賞團、形體工作坊等,不但豐富了劇社成員的製作經驗,亦
    tions and holding di erent drama events including guided             增加了劇社成員的戲劇知識。
    tours and movement workshops, we have enriched our mem-
    bers’ production experiences and have broadened their                來年,劇社成員將共同為製作不同的演出努力,務求將演出最
    knowledge of drama.                                                  好的一面呈獻給看客欣賞。新人之夜����將於�月末開始籌備

    Drama Club will put on a variety of shows in the upcoming
    year to showcase our best work to the audience. Drama Night
    2022 will be started at the end of September, please check
    out our Instagram for recruitment details.

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