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管弦樂團                                                                                                        理大音社



         Performing Arts Division            <IG> @polyumuso -    

     We are Music Society (POLYUMUSO)! Our Society places a lot          理大音社以獨立音樂為本,致力推廣專業多元的音樂,以及發
     of emphasis on promoting local independent music. We also           掘更多不同的本土音樂人。
     explore diversi ed music and nurture potential musicians.
     Throughout the years we have hosted numerous live perfor-           本社舉行過大大小小的音樂會,以及各項與音樂相關的活動,
     mances and have cooperated with a plentiful of sponsors.            過往曾與不同公司及機構合作,未來會繼續作為連繫大學生和

                                                                         本地音樂的橋梁。 縱使我們面對疫情等種種困難,今屆音社仍
     Henceforth, we will keep acting as the bridge between Hong          打算舉行樂隊表演等活動。提供本土音樂人表演的機會之餘,
     Kong local music and PolyU students, connecting everyone            亦鼓勵理大學生發掘本土獨立音樂之美。
     through the passion for music. This year, we plan to host live
     band performances and other music-related activities, provid-
     ing various performing chances for talented musicians and
     encouraging PolyU students to explore the beauty of local
     independent music.

                               LIFE                                                                                                    11
            校園祭 FESTIVAL
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