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 學會                                                                                                          詠春學會

 Iai                                                                                                      Wing Chun

 Kenjutsu                                                                                                        Society


         Sports Division         <IG>@ polyusao_wingchunclub - polyusao_wingchunclub/

     Wing Chun Society aims to promote skills and philosophy of          詠春學會旨在向理大同學宣揚葉問系詠春的技藝和哲學。通過
     the Ip Man branch to our fellow schoolmates. You will have          日常訓練,你會變得身心強壯。我們的訓練內容包括三套拳(小
     both your body and your mind strengthened, through our              念頭、尋橋、標指)、黐手、一套木人樁法以及兩套兵器(八斬刀、
     regular training. There are 3 hand forms (Siu Nim Tau, Chum         六點半棍)。
     Kiu & Biu Jee), Chi Sau, 1 wooden dummy form and 2 weapon
     forms (Baat Jaam Dou & Luk Dim Bun Gwan).                           我們相信您會在探索詠春奧妙的過程中自得其樂。無論您有否

     We hope that you will enjoy exploring the secrets of Wing
     Chun. You are welcome to join our training on Friday nights,
     no matter you have learnt Wing Chun before or not.

                               LIFE                                                                                                    31
            校園祭 FESTIVAL
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