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                                                                                                       Red Castle



         Sports Division       <IG>@polyusao_softball -  

     Want to participate in a brand new team sport? looking for passionate   進入大學校園,想試玩一款全新的團體運動?
     teammates and strive for excellence?                                想認識一群熱血隊友,在球場上一起揮灑汗水?

     Then the Softball Club is your must-have! Softball consists of tossing,   加入壘soc就符合您要求了!在壘球比賽,進攻方擊球後會直衝
     catching, batting and base running. Softball rules are very similar to that   壘包,而防守方會通過接球,傳球以淘汰對手,阻止對方上壘。
     of baseball. However, softballs are larger in size than baseballs, with their   規則雖然同棒球相似,但壘球體積較大,比賽氣氛亦會更緊張
      elds being relatively smaller. This creates a faster pace and more thrilling   刺激。
     atmosphere in softball games.
     Beginners are welcome as we have several orientation functions for you!   有一系列的活動,讓大家認識新朋友的同時,亦有專業教練教
     Here you can meet new friends and receive basic training from our   大家由零起步,嘗試過感覺好玩,還可以加入我們的恆常訓練,
     professional coaches. If you are interested, feel free to drill in more and   以及參與六月的大專聯賽!
     join our regular practice, you can even train for the Inter- University
     Competition in June!                                                還不快點加入我們的大家庭,體驗不一樣的U-life? 不要猶豫了

     Don’t hesitate to follow our Instagram account and join us through  lling
     in the member recruitment form!  Looking forward to seeing you all!

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