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         Sports Division        <IG>@polyusao_rowing-      

     Wanna try a new sport? Seeking sport participation to maintain      想嘗試新運動又希望結識到新朋友?來RowingClub就沒錯了!
     physical  tness? Looking for a meaningful university life with new   划艇是一項體能、默契、毅力、技術缺一不可的運動,划艇除了
     friends and teammates? Rowing Club is undoubtedly your best
     option!!                                                            可以強身健體,仲有機會可以和其他大學的選手比拼。過往數
     Established in 1994, Rowing Club has been providing opportunities
     for PolyU students to develop their potential in rowing and com-    擔心自己對划艇經驗不足無法應付? 不用擔心! 無論新手或有
     pete with other universities. With strong determination and team
     spirit, we have created various remarkable achievements in rowing   經驗的同學,我們都歡迎你們加入! 不 要 猶 豫 了! 立 刻 填
     competitions.                                                       Google Form加入我們吧! 記得 follow 我 們 的 Instagram

     Worried about a lack of experience in rowing? Both amateurs and     的活動消息!
     experienced students are welcome! Every member will be given
     plenty of opportunities to explore their interests in rowing, and you
     can also enjoy leisure besides rowing: dragon boat, hiking, cycling,
     canoeing, you name it!!
     Come and join us! Simply  ll out our Google Form, and you will
     soon receive announcements about our activities in the future.
     Don’t forget to drop by our Instagram @polyusao_rowing to feel
     our passion for rowing!

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            校園祭 FESTIVAL
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