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賽艇學會                                                                                                        網球學會

 Rowing                                                                                                             Tennis

 Club                                                                                                                      Club

         Sports Division                  <IG>@polyu_tennis -

     Hello! We are this year’s Tennis Club - TENAZEPAM. We aim to        大家好!我們是今年理工大學網球學會幹事—TENAZEPAM。本
     teach every member basic tennis skills and knowledge in a           學會一直致力在校園內推廣網球文化和運動風氣。我們亦會恆
     relaxing and pleasant environment. We provide both amateur          常舉行不同活動, 給予會員學習網球和體驗網球的樂趣。我們
     and professional training for our members. By joining various       舉行的活動包括但不限於定期練習、網球訓練班和網球公開賽。
     tennis activities organised by our club, such as Routine Prac-
     tices, Training Courses, PolyU Open and di erent gatherings,        我們還會舉行會員聚會等活動,讓會員可以在愉快又輕鬆的環
     our members will be able to develop an interest in tennis and       境下,認識新朋友和增加對網球的興趣。上述活動亦有助我們達
     build sportsmanship.                                                致本會宗旨,期望網球和健康的風氣可以在校園中盛行。

     We also provide a platform for students to meet new friends
     and improve their tennis skills. Both beginners and veterans
     are welcome to join. Our activities could enhance students’
     sense of belonging to our Club and PolyU.

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