Master of Arts in Fashion and Textiles (last intake in 2022/23)

Entrance Year Sept 2022
Programme Code 14102
Stream Code
FFM for Fashion Merchandising (Full Time) FGF for Global Fashion Management (Full Time)# PFM for Fashion Merchandising (Part Time) PGF for Global Fashion Management (Part Time)# # the offering of the stream of Global Fashion Management was suspended for the 2020 intake and 2021 intake
Mode of Study Mixed Mode
Normal Duration
1 year (Full Time Fashion Merchandising) 1.5 years (Full Time Global Fashion Management) 2 years (Part Time)
Fund Type Self-financed
Credits Required for Graduation 30
Initial Registration Credits
3 for local students; 6 for non-local students
Tuition Fees HK$5,000 per credit for local and non-local students
Programme Leader(s)
Chief | Dr Wing-sun Liu
Deputy | Dr Magnum Lam
GFM Specialism Coordinator | Dr Magnum Lam
This programme has two specialisms: Fashion Merchandising (服裝營銷策劃); and Global Fashion Management (全球化服裝管理)
Applicants are requested to mark the stream code in Section 2 of the Application Form to indicate their interest in the FFM, FGF#, PFM or PGF#.
# the offering of the stream of Global Fashion Management was suspended for the 2020 intake and 2021 intake
Aims and Characteristics
The prime purpose of the programme is to provide students with opportunities to pursue advanced-level postgraduate education in Fashion and Textiles knowledge. The underlying premise is to nurture professionals to reach an advanced understanding and mastery of their chosen specialist areas of study, as a vital step towards realising their career and personal goals in Fashion and Textiles business.
The textile and fashion business has long been an area of international significance. Practitioners, typically in buying offices or trading houses, face increasingly complex challenges in terms of technological advancement, globalising management and the intractable diversity of worldwide market requirements. These challenges are associated with various well-partitioned educational disciplines, from global product design and merchandising, and the management of supply and quality, to marketing and branding. Through this MA programme, graduates can integrate these forms of disciplinary knowledge and advance their own expertise, analytical skills and visions to a more sophisticated postgraduate level. Graduates are knowledgeable in innovative practices for today's textile and fashion business, and can effectively manage globally dispersed interacting business tasks.
Students must complete 4 Core Subjects, 3 Specialised Subjects and 3 Elective Subjects for graduation. Each subject in the programme carries three credits.
Core Areas of Study
Core Subjects
- Current Technology in the Fashion Industry
- Fashion Global Marketing & Brand Management
- International Fashion & Textile Design
- Sourcing & Logistics
Specialised Subjects
- Apparel Performance Evaluation
- Fashion Merchandising Planning & Control
- Quality Assurance in Textiles & Clothing
Recent Elective Subjects
- Advanced Textile Processing Technology
- Clothing & Textile Materials & Processes
- Fashion Retailing
- Fashion Technology
- Information Technology for Textiles & Clothing Industries
- International Business in Fashion Industry
- Omni-Channel Retailing & Marketing
- Research Methodology
Students must complete 4 Core Subjects, 3 Overseas Seminars and/or Site Visits and 3 Elective Subjects for graduation. Each subject in the programme carries three credits. They also have to bear the travelling cost for the intensive seminars and site visits. The cost of each overseas trip is around HK$20,000-25,000.
Core Areas of Study
Core Subjects
- Current Technology in the Fashion Industry
- Fashion Global Marketing & Brand Management
- International Fashion & Textile Design
- Sourcing & Logistics
Specialised Subjects
- Overseas Seminars (New York)
- Overseas Seminars (Paris)
- Overseas Seminars (Pearl River and Yangzhijang River Delta Regions)
Recent Elective Subjects
- Advanced Textile Processing Technology
- Apparel Performance Evaluation
- Clothing & Textile Materials & Processes
- Fashion Merchandising Planning & Control
- Fashion Retailing
- Fashion Technology
- Information Technology for Textiles & Clothing Industries
- International Business in Fashion Industry
- Omni-Channel Retailing & Marketing
- Quality Assurance in Textiles & Clothing
- Research Methodology
- A Bachelor's degree in textiles or fashion (clothing) studies, or an equivalent qualification.
Applicants who hold Bachelor's degree in other fields of study and have adequate and relevant work experience in the fashion or textile industry can be considered for admission.
For the Global Fashion Management specialism, applicants are expected to have a minimum of three years of relevant work experience.
If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purpose. Please refer to the "Admission Requirements" section for details.
- Personal statement
- Transcript / Certificate
- Copy of English examination results such as IELTS or TOEFL (for applicants graduated from universities where the medium of instruction is not English)
- Postal address in Chinese (for applicants from the Chinese mainland)
- Employer's recommendation - supporting letter from employer (optional)
- Prospective students will be invited to attend an interview
- Depending on their pace of study, students should be able to complete the Fashion Merchandising and Global Fashion Management specialisms in 1 and 1.5 years, respectively
- Individual applications will be considered on their own merit. Applicants may be required to attend an interview or test to further demonstrate their language proficiency

Chen Mo

Veronica De Homersley
For further programme information, please contact the General Office
- +852 2766 6500
- 12/F, Li Ka Shing Tower, PolyU
- +852 2333 0600