
Scholarly outputs generated from the Project

Journal Articles

Hafiz, M., Chan, W.F., Lam, L.K. (To be published). Examining the impact of interdisciplinary and interinstitutional collaboration service-learning on students’ quality of learning. Journal of Youth Studies and Applied Research in Quality of Life.
Lau, K. H., Snell, R. S., & Keung, J. C. T. (in press). Service-learning Outcomes Measurement Scale (S-LOMS): Chinese translation and validation. Silliman Journal.
Lau, K. H., Chan, M. Y. L., Yeung, C. L. S., & Snell, R. S. (2021). An exploratory study of the community impacts of service-learning. Metropolitan Universities, 33(1), 106-128.
Lau, K. H., & Snell, R. S. (2021). Confirmatory factor analysis for the service-learning outcomes measurement scale (S-LOMS), Metropolitan Universities, 32(1), 3-34.
Lau, K. H., & Snell, R. S. (2021). Validation of S-LOMS and comparison between Hong Kong and Singapore of student developmental outcomes after service-learning experience. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 27(1), 77-106.
Lau, K. H., & Snell, R. S. (2020). Test-retest reliability and validity of the service-learning outcomes measurement scale. International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 8(1), Article 7.
Siu, Y. H. (in press). Exploration of History and Community: Course Design and Service-Learning of the “News Writing” Course. Journal of Asia Association for Experiential Education.
Snell, R. S., & Lau, K. H. (2020). The development of a service-learning outcomes measurement scale (S-LOMS). Metropolitan Universities, 31(1), 44-77.
Xu, H. (2020). Using homework tutoring to promote self-regulated learning in deprived pupils: a case study in Hong Kong. Education 3-13. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/03004279.2020.1817967
Yeung, S. N. C. A., Lam, L. K., & Fong, J. (2019). How Service-Learning promotes intergenerational harmony: Case study of a Service-Learning project in a science course. Metropolitan Universities, 30(3), 20-35.

Conference / Symposium Presentations

Camus, R. M., Kwan, K. P., Hafiz, M., Cheung, E., & Ngai, G. (2021). ‘Assessing Students in Academic Service-Learning: Faculty Experiences and Challenges’, in proceedings of International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 2021. Virtual.
Chan, M. Y. L., Lau, K. H., & Snell, R. (2020, December 2-4). The community impacts of service-learning and key factors that increase the likelihood of positive impacts [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Lau, K. H., & Snell, R. S. (2020, November 13-14). A tale of two cities in service-learning: Cross-cultural comparison between Hong Kong and Singapore of student developmental outcomes after service-learning experience and validation of S-LOMS [Paper presentation]. The 3rd Conference for Higher Education Research – Hong Kong 2020 (CHER-Hong Kong 2020), Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
Lau, K. H., & Snell, R. (2020). Assessing community impact after service-learning: A conceptual framework. In proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20), 35-43.
Lau, K. H., Snell, R. S., Keung, J. C. T. (2021, July 28-29). Service-Learning Outcomes Measurement Scale (S-LOMS): Chinese translation and validation [Paper presentation]. The 8th Asia-Pacific Virtual Regional Conference on Service-Learning, Silliman University, The Philippines.
Manning, K. (2019). Using standardized SPOCs to prepare Hong Kong students for Service-Learning programmes. In proceedings of the third International Conference on Service-Learning, Hong Kong.
Ngai, G., Shek, D., Yue, K., Xu, H., Snell, R.S. (2020). Cross-institutional Capacity Building for Service-Learning in Hong Kong Higher Education Institutions. Presented in Service-Learning Staff Symposium, 18 Dec, Hong Kong.
Ngai, G., Shek, D., Yue, K., Xu, H., Snell, R.S. (2019). Cross-institutional Capacity Building for Service-Learning in Hong Kong Higher Education Institutions. In proceedings of the third International Conference on Service-Learning, Hong Kong.
Snell, R. S., & Lau, K. H. (2020). Conceptual framework for assessing process variables salient for service-learning experience. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20), 53-61.
Snell, R. S. & Lau, K. H. (2019, June 19-21). Developing a measurement instrument to assess student learning outcomes after service-learning experience [Paper presentation]. The 7th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore.
Xu, H., Leung, K.W., & Leung, H, M. (2020). Examing the nature of relationships in a service-learning project. Presented in Service-Learning Staff Symposium, 18 Dec, Hong Kong.
Xu, H., & Leung, K.W. (2019). What matters in Service-Learning? -From faculty’s perspective. In proceedings of the third International Conference on Service-Learning, Hong Kong.
Xu, H. (2019). Examining the nature of two relationships in a service–learning project: A qualitative study in Hong Kong. In Oxford Education Research Symposium. Oxford, UK.
Xu, H. (2019). Promoting pre-service teachers’ social and emotional competencies through service learning: a qualitative study in Hong Kong. In Annual Conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE). Bath, UK.
Xu, H. (2019). Promoting Self-regulated Learning in Primary School Students Through After-school Tutoring: A Case Study in Hong Kong. In the European Conference on Education (ECE2019). London, UK.
Yue, K. K. M. (2019). A General Education Service Leadership Course which Makes a Difference on Graduate Attributes of Students. In The 1st Lilly Conference in Asia, Hong Kong.
蕭欣浩 (2018)。 嶺南大學「新寫服研計劃」的三個階段。2018在地、跨校與國際:台港兩地服務學習暨社會服務隊成果發表會 – 國立臺灣大學,台北。


Ngai, G., & Shek, D. T. L. (Ed.) (to be published). Service-Learning Capacity Enhancement in Hong Kong Higher Education. Springer.

Manuscripts in preparation / submission

Lau, K. H., & Snell, R. S. (2021). The development of the community impact feedback questionnaire for service-learning: A Delphi study [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University.
Lau, K. H., Snell, R. S., Chan, M. Y. L., & Yeung, C. L. S. (2022). Key process factors in service-learning for mutual benefit: A qualitative study [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University.


Lau, K. H., Camus, R. M. & Kwan, K. P. (2022). Hong Kong service-learning: An annotated bibliography. Published by the Service-Learning and Leadership Office, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
Lau, K.H. & Snell, R.S. (2021). Community Impact Feedback Questionnaire (CIFQ): The user manual. Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University.
Lau, K. H., & Snell, R. S. (2020). Service-Learning Outcomes Measurement Scale (S-LOMS): The user manual. Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University.
劉嘉慶,施樂民 (2021)。社區影響反饋問卷:使用手冊。嶺南大學,服務研習處。
嶺南大學服務研習處 (2018)。《醫食文字》。香港: 香港嶺南大學服務研習處。