
E-Learning Module on Service-Learning for Students

The e-Learning course entitled “Learn to Serve, Serve to Learn: Introduction to Service-Learning” for students is developed to complement classroom learning and prepare students to learn the most from the service-learning experience.

The course consists of the following 4 instructional units and students are expected to spend 8-10 hours on completing this course.

  1. Unit 1: What is Service-Learning?
  2. Unit 2: Benefits of Service-Learning
  3. Unit 3: Responsibilities, Attitudes and Ethics in Service-Learning
  4. Unit 4: Reflecting on Your Service-Learning Experience

This course includes a wide variety of learning activities, such as short videos, reading exercises, concept tests, case studies, experience sharing by students who have completed service-learning subjects, etc. Beta-testing and usability testing are conducted to verify the accessibility of the course content to students from diverse locations and on diverse devices. The course is now an active course on KEEP, an open edX platform hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong.