Jan 2026 Entry
What's New
Our research programmes are designed to prepare students for a career in academic research and teaching. The programmes are broad-based and provide a rigorous foundation on which the students can build an academic career of their choice.
Our research programmes are 3-year / 4-year PhD programmes:
The normal duration of the PhD programme depends on the students' educational background. The programme mainly consists of two parts: coursework and thesis. Students will also receive training in teaching and gain research experience through research seminar attendance. After a successful defence of thesis and satisfying all University graduation requirements, the candidates will be awarded the PhD research degree.
For details of programme structures and entrance requirements of the University and our Faculty, please refer to https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fb/study/rpg/research-programmes/.
Accounting and Auditing
Prof. Qiang Wu Phone: 2766 7078 Email: qiang.wu@polyu.edu.hk |
Please click here to find out more about the research interests of our School of Accounting and Finance.
Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing
Prof. Qiang Wu Phone: 2766 7078 Email: qiang.wu@polyu.edu.hk |
Please click here to find out more about the research interests of our School of Accounting and Finance.
AF currently subscribes to more than 30 databases to support the research of faculty members and research students. These databases include the CRSP, COMPUSTAT, AuditAnalytics, BoardEx, I/B/E/S, Datastream and CSMAR (China Stock Market & Accounting Research Database).
The Centre for Economic Sustainability and Entrepreneurial Finance (CESEF) offers opportunities to conduct cutting-edge academic research on economic sustainability, entrepreneurial finance and internet finance.
For enquiries, please contact:
School of Accounting and Finance
Website: https://af.polyu.edu.hk/study/phd-programme/
Email: af.rio@polyu.edu.hk
Tel: (852) 2766 4398
Faculty of Business
Website: https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fb/study/rpg/
Email: fb.research.enquiry@polyu.edu.hk
Tel: (852) 3400 2582
Compulsory - Two Academic Referee’s Reports are required for the application for Fellowship and Scholarship Schemes.
- Identify and invite two academics who are familiar with your academic performance and achievements. Proposed supervisor(s) from the PolyU, proposed supervisor(s) from the partner institution (if any), and persons from non-academic backgrounds are not considered appropriate academic referees.
- Provide complete and accurate information on your referees, including their email addresses under a university or an organisation, in your online application.
A standard form must be used for the submission of research proposal. Please click here to download the form.
Please provide prior research work.
Compulsory – Please upload all academic qualifications including Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree (if any) according to the University’s admission requirements, also refer to the ‘Procedures – Guidelines for Submitting Supporting Documents’ to follow the submission requirements.
GMAT or GRE results are required.