Sept 2025 Entry
1 year (Full-time)
2.5 years (Part-time)
This is a mixed-mode programme. Students can pursue their studies in either the full-time or part-time mode. Depending on their pace of study, they should be able to complete the programme full-time in 1 year or part-time in 2.5 years. Students are required to attend classes in the daytime and evening if they choose the full-time mode.
There is a provision for a Postgraduate Diploma (PgD) exit award.
What's New
Programme Aims
Facility management has developed rapidly over the past few decades, initially in North America and the UK and more recently in Europe, Australia and Asia. The development of facility management education and training has been driven primarily by demand at the postgraduate level, and it has drawn from a broad base of existing professional disciplines ranging from those involved with engineering-based building services to those related to property management and space planning. Facility management as a discipline is grounded in the field of management, requiring a clear understanding of the nature and demands of an organisation's core business requirements.
The role of the facility manager is increasingly recognised as critical in supporting the realisation of business plans through the careful alignment of an organisation's physical assets with the appropriate sourcing of facility support services. To be effective, a facility manager must have broad knowledge of all of the elements that affect the efficient performance of buildings, appropriate policies, management processes and the people who work in them.
This programme is structured to achieve a balance between theory and practice, with the following emphases:
To provide facility management professionals with opportunities to critically review and update their knowledge and skills in the management of people, property and technology;
To integrate facility management practice with the efficient and effective management of business resources;
To apply innovative methods and procedures in the practice of facility management; and
To bring into focus and develop appropriate action plans for facility managers and operators to deal with workplace issues in a dynamic business environment.
Re-accreditation will be sought from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) through the Facilities Management pathway for the 2025/26 intake cohort and onwards.
Accreditation by the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) as suitable further learning to meet the academic requirement for CEng registration is subject to approval.
Re-accreditation will be sought from The Hong Kong Institute of Facility Management (HKIFM) for the 2025/26 intake cohort and onwards.
Programme Structure
This programme has a credit-based structure that allows a flexible study mode leading to professional recognition.
Students must complete 10 subjects (including 4 Compulsory Subjects and at least 3 other Core Subjects) OR 7 subjects (including 4 Compulsory Subjects and at least 2 other Core Subjects) plus a Facility Management Dissertation (9 credits) and a 1-credit Academic Integrity and Ethics (AIE) subject.
Core Areas of Study
The following is a brief summary of the core areas of study. Students will be provided with detailed information on the subjects available upon registration.
Facility Management: Professional Practice
Research Project
Economics for Facility Management
Maintenance Management of Built Assets
Facilities Support Services Management
Energy Efficient Buildings
Sustainability and the Built Environment
Legal Aspects of Facility Management
Occupational Health and Ergonomics
- Building Carbon Footprint Assessment
Dr Cynthia Hou
A Bachelor's degree with Honours in architecture, interior design, construction, building surveying, estate management, property/facility management, building services engineering, business or the equivalent;
OR -
A professional qualification, plus relevant professional experience that is related to the building industry or property/facility management, e.g. full membership of the HKIE, HKIS, HKIA, CIBSE, CIOB, RICS, CIH or HKIFM.
Candidates who have substantial experience in facility management-related areas, but who lack formal academic qualifications, may be admitted to the programme subject to an interview and/or a review of their experience. In considering such candidates, PolyU will decide whether their experience can be deemed equivalent to an Honours degree awarded by a recognised university.
If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purpose. Please refer to the "Admission Requirements" section for details.
For further information on academic matters, please contact:
Dr Cynthia Hou (email:
For general enquiries, please contact:
General Office, Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE)
12 (Full-time)
6 (Part-time)
HK$6,750 per credit for local and non-local students
Entry Scholarships are available. For details, please click HERE.
PolyU reserves the right to change or withdraw the scholarship at any time. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU’s decision is final.