Faculty of Construction and Environment

Sept 2025 Entry

Mixed Mode

1 year (Full-time)
2.5 years (Part-time)




The programme has been revamped from the previous MSc in Sustainable Urban Development (可持續城市發展學理學碩士學位) programme, starting from the intake cohort of 2024/25.

Application Deadline
Local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2025 Entry - 30-Apr-2025
Non-local - Mixed Mode
Sept 2025 Entry - 30-Apr-2025
About Programme
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics

Programme Aims

The programme is designed to cut across traditional boundaries among architecture, construction and management, investment, surveying, engineering and environmental sciences to take a broad view of the subject. The programme focuses on the technical, engineering, policy and economic related topics on carbon neutrality, especially on urban mobility, buildings and sustainability, so that the students will have multidisciplinary knowledge and skills to design and assess urban sustainability and carbon-neutral/zero-energy buildings, communities and cities.



This programme provides up-to-date knowledge in sustainable urban development based on contemporary research findings. It is suitable for local, Chinese mainland and international planners, surveyors, environmental practitioners, consultancy professionals, engineers, government officers, business managers and graduates from relevant courses.

Recognition & Prospects

Re-accreditation will be sought from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) for 2025/26 intake cohort and onwards.


Programme Structure

This is a mixed-mode programme. Students can pursue their study either in a full-time mode or a part-time mode. Students must complete Compulsory Subjects and selected Core Subjects. They can select Elective Subjects from a wide range of subjects that are offered across several faculties in the University.

Students must complete 31 credits through two alternative approaches:

  • ​Approach A: 4 Compulsory Subjects + 3 Core Subjects + 3 Elective Subjects + 1 AIE Subject*
  • Approach B: 4 Compulsory Subjects + 3 Core Subjects + 1 Dissertation + 1 AIE Subject*

(Unless specified otherwise, each subject carries 3 credits, and the Dissertation carries 9 credits.)

Students are advised to complete all Compulsory Subjects in their first year of study.

*Students from all approaches will need to take a 1-credit Academic Integrity and Ethics (AIE) subject.


Core Areas of Study

The following is a list of Compulsory and Core Subjects:

Compulsory Subjects

  • Sustainability and the Built Environment
  • Development Finance and Investment
  • Sustainable Development and Environmental Planning
  • ​Frontiers in Carbon Neutral Cities

Core Subjects

  • Stochastic Models for Carbon Pricing and Trading
  • Principles of Corporate Finance
  • ESG Investment and Green Finance
  • Machine Learning and Data Analytics
  • Urban Planning and Urban Design
  • ​Project Appraisal
  • Real Estate Development
  • Energy Efficient Buildings
  • Engineering Intelligent Buildings
  • Noise and Vibration in Sustainable Built Environments
  • Applied Solar Energy in Buildings
  • Building Carbon Footprint Assessment
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Urban Transport Planning - Theory and Practice
  • Global Climate Change and Society Response
  • Principles of GIS
  • Urban Informatics
  • Social Impact Assessment
Credit Required for Graduation


Programme Leader(s)

Prof. LU Lin Vivien

Subject Area
Carbon Neutral Cities and Urban Sustainability
Entrance Requirements
  • ​A Bachelor's degree with Honours relevant to construction, real estate, urban planning, architecture, environmental science or equivalent qualifications (including recognised professional qualifications).


If you are not a native speaker of English, and your Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification is awarded by institutions where the medium of instruction is not English, you are expected to fulfil the University’s minimum English language requirement for admission purpose. Please refer to the "Admission Requirements" section for details.


For further information on academic matters, please contact:
Prof. LU Lin Vivien (tel: (852) 3400 3596; email: vivien.lu@polyu.edu.hk).


For general enquiries, please contact:
General Office, Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE)
Email: beenquiry@polyu.edu.hk

Initial Registration Credits

12 (Full-time)
6 (Part-time)

Tuition Fee

HK$9,650 per credit for local and non-local students

Entry Scholarships are available. For details, please click HERE

PolyU reserves the right to change or withdraw the scholarship at any time. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU’s decision is final.

Student Message

I was inspired by the sustainable concepts that I learnt from the MSc in Sustainable Urban Development (Retitled as MSc in Carbon Neutral Cities and Urban Sustainability). With the encouragement of my classmates and professors at PolyU, I founded my own company, Farm66, in an old industrial building in Kwun Tong. Since I graduated, I have engaged in agriculture research, combining aquaponics and wavelength technologies. The indoor farming system has already been patented and led to a new business model with a focus on health foods. Studying at PolyU has given me new opportunities for my future.

Tam Chi Ho

As one of the Entry Scholarship students for the Postgraduate Scheme in Construction and Environment offered by the Faculty of Construction and Environment, I was impressed by the free and open exchange of ideas between teachers and students in class. I advise students to make good use of the library to enrich themselves. My future plan is to get some work experience.

Wang Qingzi
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Curriculum Vitae


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