
Sept 2024 Entry


4 years (including 1 year with common curriculum)


Minimum 122 credits. The number of credits to be taken is dependent upon individual attainment.

  • Students will gain one of the following awards upon successful completion of the graduation requirements of the programme concerned:
    • BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology
    • BSc (Hons) in Chemical Technology
  • Students are subject to further assessment criteria in the selection of the award, i.e. their own preference, GPA and interview performance, during Semester 2 of Year One.
  • The option of a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is available to the students taking the BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology. Admission to the Secondary Major is on a competitive basis and subject to a different credit requirement for graduation. Please see Secondary Major Details for further information.
Application Deadline
Non-JUPAS Year 1
International / Other Qualification
About Programme
Specific Notes
How to Apply
Aims & Characteristics
  • Scheme-based Admission

The following programmes are offered under the above scheme:

(1) BSc (Honours) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology
(2) BSc (Honours) in Chemical Technology

Characteristics of Scheme-based Admission

  • This Scheme-based admission serves as an undeclared track, offering flexible Major selection. The 1-year common curriculum gives students an opportunity to identify their area(s) of interest and career aspirations. The subjects in this common curriculum provide a foundation in science for the two major programmes and prepares students for the ensuing years of study. 
  • The decision to admit a student to a Major will be made by the department in consideration of the student’s preference, GPA and/or interview result. Students will be asked to rank their Major choices (in order of preference) during Semester 2 of Year One for the department’s consideration and approval.


  • BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology

Programme Aims & Learning Outcomes

The programme aims to produce competent professionals in biotechnology to meet the needs of related sectors in Hong Kong, China and the world.

In this programme, students gain a thorough understanding of the principles, concepts and applications of biotechnology. Through learning the principles of modern biotechnology, students develop analytical, creative and problem-solving abilities. Graduates from the programme are well prepared for careers in the rapidly expanding global bioscience/biotechnology industry. They also have the opportunity to pursue further study in postgraduate programmes locally or overseas.

Programme Characteristics

The ABB Programme is the first international degree programme accredited by the Royal Society of Biology (RSB), a recognized professional body that promotes and supports the advancement of skills and education in the biosciences.  Focusing on the application of biotechnology, the programme is comprised of core subjects that include Human Physiology, Microbiology, Biochemistry, Biochemical Techniques, Molecular Biology, DNA Technology, Bioinformatics, Immunotechnology & Recent Developments in Medical Biotechnology, and Elective subjects, in which students can more deeply explore special topics such as Microbial Biotechnology, Metabolism and Diseases & Case Study in Biotechnology Companies.  This programme integrates theory and practice, culminating in an individual in-depth scientific investigation in the final year.  Students develop both local and global perspectives and have the opportunity to experience practice in relevant industries, research centres and commercial organisations. 


  • BSc (Hons) in Chemical Technology

Programme Aims & Learning Outcomes

As the most established applied chemistry programme in Hong Kong, our BSc (Hons) in Chemical Technology programme offers a broad and rigorous education in contemporary chemistry and training in laboratory practices. The programme emphasises the application of chemistry in technological innovation. Through this programme, students develop competence in problem-solving and communication, essential abilities for graduates to pursue careers in business and technical services in chemical and related industries.

Programme Characteristics

Focusing on the technological application of chemistry, this programme comprises Core and Elective Subjects in chemical principles, applied/industrial chemistry and chemical process technology.

This is one of the most popular applied science programmes in Hong Kong, and it is specifically designed to enhance graduates’ career prospects in the governmental, business and industrial sectors.

Elective Subjects include

  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Economic Analysis for Process Technology
  • Environmental Science
  • Food Processing Technology
  • Management & Organisation
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Natural Products Chemistry
  • Principles of Quality Assurance

These subjects broaden and enrich students’ knowledge and skills base, enhancing their career prospects in the commercial and industrial sectors. Our students gain further work experience through industrial visits, Work-Integrated Education schemes and summer placements in local and overseas companies.



Recognition & Prospects
  • BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology
    Professional Recognition
    Graduates qualify for membership of the Royal Society of Biology (RSB) in the UK.

    Graduates can pursue postgraduate studies at universities and research institutes worldwide.

    Career Prospects
    Graduates are equipped to work in the rapidly expanding global biotechnology industry. They can pursue careers in the industrial, commercial, education and public sectors in technical, executive or managerial positions. Graduates can also enrol in postgraduate programmes locally or overseas.
  • BSc (Hons) in Chemical Technology
    Professional Recognition
    Graduates qualify for membership of the Hong Kong Chemical Society (HKCS) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) in the UK.

    Career Prospects
    Graduates are able to pursue careers in industry, business or the public sector. Our graduates work as chemists, technologists and chemical and/or biochemical process engineers. Employment opportunities abound in various industries, such as plastics and toys, cosmetics and fragrances, drugs and pharmaceuticals, pollution control and the manufacture of printed circuit boards. Further career prospects for graduates can be found in sales and marketing or as management executives in various fields.

    Graduates may work as chemical analysts or environmental protection officials for the government or public utility companies. A career in education to inspire future generations is another possibility. Graduates who wish to pursue further studies have excellent opportunities both in Hong Kong and overseas.



The two BSc Major programmes offered under this Scheme share some common subjects. Students arerequired to follow 11 General University Requirements (GUR) and common Discipline SpecificReuqirments (DSR) Core subjects in the first two semesters as a minimum. These are

  • Basic Statistics
  • English Language and Communication Requirement (LCR) subject I
  • English Language and Communication Requirement (LCR) subject II
  • General Biology *
  • General Chemistry I *
  • General Laboratory Techniques and Safety
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
  • Introduction to Calculus
  • Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Physics for Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • Tomorrow's Leaders


Students may be required to take additional foundation subjects depending on their results.


In addition to the above subjects, first year students may take some GUR / DSR subjects to prepare for their selected Major programmes.


Students are expected to have chosen a specific Major from the Scheme’s programmes in Semester 2 of Year One. Students follow the curriculum of their selected Major programme from Year Two onwards. After successfully completing the four-year programme, students are awarded a degree in their selected Major programme.

Secondary Major Details

The option of a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship is available to the students of the BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology.


Selection Criteria

Studying on a Secondary Major is not mandatory. Only students with a cumulative GPA of 2.70 or above may be considered for Secondary Major enrolment. Each Secondary Major may stipulate additional selection criteria for admission. Students must apply to and obtain approval from the programme Department, no later than the commencement of the second year of study to be admitted to the Secondary Major.


Credit Requirement

The students of the BSc (Hons) Applied Biology with Biotechnology (ABB) with a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IE) are required to complete 141 credits for graduation.

* Six credits from the core subjects of the Major [i.e. Commercialisation of Biotechnology Products (ABCT3104) and Recent Developments in Medical Biotechnology (ABCT4104)] can be double counted as the discipline-specific elective for the Secondary Major.


Professional Accreditation

The BSc(Hons) Applied Biology with Biotechnology with a Secondary Major in Innovation and Entrepreneurship has been awarded interim accreditation by the Royal Society of Biology. Degree accreditation by the Royal Society of Biology acknowledges academic excellence in the biosciences, and highlights degrees that educate the research and development leaders and innovators of the future.

Credit Required for Graduation

Minimum 122 credits. The number of credits to be taken is dependent upon individual attainment.

Scheme/Programme Leader(s)

Prof. Zhao Yanxiang
BSc, PhD

Scheme/Programme List Remarks

Award(s) available in this scheme:

  • BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology
  • BSc (Hons) in Chemical Technology
Subject Area
Biotechnology and Chemical Technology
Entrance Requirements

Please click here to view the entrance requirements for international applicants.


Other Information

  • Applicants attaining good results in science subjects (Biology and/or Chemistry) are preferred.


For further programme information, please contact us via email:

Student Message

The BSc (Hons) in Applied Biology with Biotechnology provided me with all-round and in-depth knowledge. The programme includes abundant practical lab sessions, which allowed me to apply the knowledge gained through lectures and train my critical thinking and lab skills through first-hand experience. My summer exchange to the University of Stuttgart in Germany opened my eyes to other perspectives as I visited different car factories to learn about the automobile industry in Germany.

During my time at PolyU, I held the position of Financial Secretary of a Chinese cultural club. Getting involved in the running of social events for other students allowed me to make friends from different backgrounds. The service-learning programme in collaboration with Peking University and Xi’an Jiaotong University, as well as the Global Youth Leaders’ Summit, where our teammates included students from Zhejiang University, Sichuan University and UCLA, were similarly instrumental in forging teamwork and friendships.

During my last year of study, I did an internship as a Sales and Marketing Assistant of a biotechnology company that focuses on cancer genetic testing. By joining this internship, I learned the basics of how a company works and how biotechnology products are linked to the market.

Chan Hui Xin, graduate of BSc (Hons) Applied Biology with Biotechnology

At PolyU, I learnt to be professional, critical, open-minded, humble and kind.
The Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology provided me with many opportunities to widen my horizons. One of them was a summer exchange research programme at Durham University, where I had the chance to experience life as a researcher. 
To master chemistry, you have to equip yourself with theoretical knowledge as well as lab skills. Apart from the core chemistry courses, this programme included many chemistry-related elective courses. There were a variety of lab courses that complemented the core and elective courses, providing ample opportunities to hone those lab skills. 
I am grateful to have had great mentors, professors and lecturers that inspired, supported and guided me throughout the bumpy yet exciting journey of my undergraduate studies. Their help was invaluable.

Teo Qin Han, graduate of BSc (Hons) Chemical Technology
Interview Arrangement

To assess the suitability of candidates for the Scheme

Date of Interview
After the announcement of HKDSE results, if necessary

About 30 minutes 

Individual or group interview

Only selected applicants will be invited for interview, if necessary.

LocalNon-JUPAS Year 1
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Interview Arrangement

To assess the suitability of candidates for the Scheme

Date of Interview
Between December and August, if necessary

About 30 minutes

Individual or group interview
  • Only selected applicants will be invited for interview, if necessary.
Non-LocalInternational / Other Qualification
Additional Documents Required
Transcript / Certificate


Interview Arrangement

To assess the suitability of candidates for the scheme

Date of Interview
Between November and July

About 30 minutes

Individual or group interview, if necessary
  • Only selected applicants will be invited to the interview, if necessary.
  • Phone / online interviews will be arranged for selected overseas applicants.